木星探測器-朱諾號Juno's Successful Mission To Jupiter
Juno's mission planners decided to keep the spacecraft on its longer orbit. It could
still complete its mission but not until mid-2021. There was some concern that
the strong radiation surrounding Jupiter would damage Juno's instruments before
it could complete the number of planned flybys. But the spacecraft continued to
perform beyond expectations. It was an astounding success. Scientists now know
more about Jupiter's surprisingly strong magnetic fields than ever before. Juno's
cameras recorded new storms and gave us the first picture of Jupiter's north pole.
It even mapped Jupiter's gravitational field.
radiation 核能;輻射;太陽能
After ten years, radiation from the nuclear power plant in northern Japan still affects the surrounding area.
You must wear sunscreen when you're outside to protect your skin from the sun's radiation.
radiate (v.) 散發;輻射
Faith is extremely popular because she radiates love
and warmth to those around her. 散發關愛
Everyone, including the judges, was astounded by some of the Olympic athletes.
Jason Wu astounded everyone with his design of Michelle Obama's dress.
Some of the feats that the gymnasts performed at the Olympics were astounding to watch.
to complete a mission
"mission complete" or "mission completed."
instrument = tool
something like a piano or a violin or maybe a tuba大號. drums.
beyond expectations
We all have expectations.
'We hope that something performs at a certain standard. And if something goes beyond our expectations, that means it does even better than we expected. Beyond your expectations. Now this is also good when you think of working hard. Maybe you do a job, and your boss tells you or your teacher tells you, "What you did was
beyond my expectations. You did a fantastic job." It went beyond our greatest expectations, That means it was way better than anything we could have expected or even imagined.
love you to the moon and back.
This phrase is used to express strong affection between two people, whether it's romantic partners, close friends or family.
The phrase emphasizes the great distance between the Earth and the moon. It means the love one has for the other person is greater than that distance.
Guess how much I love you? I love you to the moon and back.
the vastnesses of space 宇宙空間的廣袤
At the beginning of 2021, NASA announced a mission extension延長, adding additional orbits of Jupiter well into 2025. Juno now also has new objectives to complete. Each additional orbit will bring it closer to some of Jupiter's largest moons: Ganymede, Europa and lo. The moons have their own mysteries to explore. The most notable might be whether or not the liquid oceans below Europa's frozen crust support life.
Once Juno reaches the end of its ability to send information to Earth, the spacecraft will be deorbited and burn up in Jupiter's atmosphere. But the Juno mission will long be remembered for its successes
The Earth's crust, which is about 40-kilometers deep, contains all known life in the universe.
crust 麵包的硬皮或派皮
My mom's pie crust is always light清爽 and flaky酥脆; it is delicious.
Jolene's open sore crusted over as it slowly began to heal.
burn up
Scientists have discovered heat shields to protect spacecraft from burning up when entering the Earth's atmosphere.
burn up生氣到要爆炸
It just burned Joseph up that Fred got all the credit for their joint project.
burn up發燒
I took Margie to the doctor last night because she was burning up with a high fever.
well into遠在
These are the Madeira and
That means it's not right at the beginning of whatever that is, it's way past the beginning.
So it's not January 2025.
The soccer team will continue playing well into the summer.
(their season will continue through summer, almost close to the end of summer.)
「埃歐」或「伊俄」,是木星的四顆伽利略衛星中最靠近木星的一顆衛星,直徑為3,642公里,是太陽系第四大衛星。名字來自眾神之王宙斯的戀人之一:埃歐,祂是希拉的女祭司。 埃歐有400座的活火山,是太陽系中地質活動最活躍的天體。極端的地質活動是因為埃歐內部受到木星的牽引,造成潮汐摩擦產生的潮汐熱化所導致的結果。
When I think of aliens, I think of like movies like Independence Day or the movie Aliens and creatures, big creatures like our size or larger that have eyes and weird arms.
But even a small organism that lives somewhere outside of Earth would be considered an alien.
down to earth描述一個人性格謙遜、為人友善、踏實務實
means they are more practical, reasonable and friendly.
They're open and honest. They're not arrogant but accept everyone as equals.
Are you a down-to-earth person?