數位排毒Digital Detox
Is it time to take a break form techonology?
Most of us spend our lives surrounded by screens, with which we manage our work, our recreation and our relationships. These devices offer us convenience as well as connection and an abundance of information. But since it's easy to feel pressured to keep up with every notification, technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing.
Thus, the prospect of taking a break from technology is becoming more and more appealing to many people. The phrase "digital detox" describes eliminating TV, phones, computers and other forms of technology that dominate our lives for a period of time. These breaks can occur in a variety of ways. Some experts advocate completely avoiding nonessential screen time for 30 days. Others suggest using an app that will limit the amount of time one can spend on certain websites. A third option is logging out in evenings and/or on weekends. Other people disconnect from
technology by buying phones without access to the internet. Others simply turn their phones off at designated times. Some even pay high prices to take vacations in places where they can unplug from their digital routine and take time out from technology.
Audrey has an abundance of energy when she wakes up in the morning.活力充沛
Bethany loves the abundance of tropical fruit available at the local market.
There is an abundant amount of tropical fruit available at the market right now.
Stella feels that the prospect of her family going on a vacation together is small.
Sarah is not looking forward to the prospect of having to study chemistry next year.
and onions.不期待明年去毒化學這件事
How many job prospects does Noah have?
a period when you stop taking unhealthy or harmful foods, drinks, or drugs into your body for a period of time, in order to improve your health
She went on a 48-hour detox, eating nothing but grapes.她進行了48小時的節食,期間只吃葡萄,別的甚麼都不吃。
A special detox drink that’s made of cranberries蔓越莓 and vinegar and a little bit honey.
If something is toxic, it’s poisonous.
ubiquitous (adj.)到處存在的,普遍存在的,無所不在的
to keep up with ….
move at the same pace as something
press the pause button
I think it’s time to hit the pause button. 是時候休息一下了
Our options are to drive or take the bus to Sun Moon Lake.
After her husband got sick, Allison felt she had no other option but to go back to work for her former employer.
Attending today's staff meeting is optional for managers.
The town designated 30 percent of its budget to fix up its downtown area.
Adam was designated to collect the needed funds from everyone for Hugh’s retirement party.
nonessential vs. essential
discipline and self-control
log out/ off
flip phone