天然甜滋味一-健康零負擔 Natural Sweeteners for Good Health
用更健康的方式滿足想吃甜食的慾望Healthier ways to sweeten your food
以下是幾種較受歡迎的甜味劑:蜂蜜 自從文字記載歷史以來,人們便仰賴蜂蜜來幫食物添加甜味;約莫從同一時問起,人們也一直相信蜂蜜對健康有著極大的助益。
椰棗 這種甜甜黏黏的果實長在椰棗樹上,營養極為豐富;它本身纖維合量很高,還能用來幫任何東西增甜,從沙拉到奶昔都行。
If you have a sweet tooth, you might worry about eating too much sugar. If so, natural sweeteners are just the ticket.
From the time we are born, we have a natural fondness for sweets. This sometimes changes as we get older, but many of us still eat too much sugar. Doctors suggest consuming no more than 25 to 36 grams of added sugar per day. Yet a lot of us eat more than that without knowing it. Consuming too much can lead to serious health problems. To protect their health, many people are choosing natural sweeteners.
Here are a few popular sources:
People have relied on honey to sweeten food since the beginning of written history. People have believed in honey's tremendous health benefits for just as long. Modern studies show that honey can even help keep your heart healthy. Dates, this sweet, sticky fruit grows on palm trees and is nutrient rich. Dates, which are high in fiber, can be used to sweeten anything from salads to milkshakes.
fondness (n.)喜愛;喜好
David's fondness for jazz is very evident from his music collection.
Linda has a fondness for shoes, purses and jackets. 有偏好
fondly (adv.)天真的;帶著感情的
When the six friends get together, they look back fondly on all of the adventures they have had together.
Consuming too much sugar is very bad for your health.
Sarah was consumed with guilt after she cheated on the science test.
consume 毀滅;燒毀
When the firefighters arrived, the house had already
been consumed by the fire.
A camel consumes a lot of water.
You put gas in the car, and it consume the gas.
natural vs. artificial
sweet tooth
savory food
savory is things like beef stew could be savory, usually more salty foods.
鹹味是傳統英國正餐的最後一道菜,緊跟著布丁或甜點。食用香精的目的是在供應港口之前“清除味覺”。它通常由咸和普通元素組成。典型的口味是: 蘇格蘭·伍德克 威爾士乾酪 烤麵包上的沙丁魚 馬背上的天使 馬背上的惡魔 沙丁魚通常用於烤麵包,炸麵包或某種餅乾或薄脆餅乾。
seasoning(salt, herbs, spices)
a couple seasonings I like to use in my cooking are our oregano奧勒岡葉(牛至、披薩草) and cumin(孜然), salt and pepper.
just the ticket
Means exactly what is needed or necessary.
That’s the ticket.
Maybe if you are teaching something to somebody, and it takes them a long time to get it. And they finally get it right.
Babies rely on their mothers for everything in their first year of life.
Mary has had to rely heavily on her husband to help her since her car accident.
The police relied on the witnesses of the crime to tell the truth about what happened.
Please go and wash your sticky hands before you touch anything.
When it gets hot and sticky outside, we always turn on our AC.
The situation is very sticky because everyone involved in this business deal is related to one another.
written vs. oral history
just as long= equally long
it’s a way to write so you don’t have to repeat everything you just said in the first sentence.
date night