香奈兒五號 CHAENL NO.5
The Famous Perfume Celebrates 100 Years
For one hundred years, fashionable women around the world have applied Chanel No. 5 to their skin. The fragrance, which includes notes of jasmine, rose and cedar, has remained popular through good and bad times despite many changes in fashion. It is now the longest-selling perfume on the market.
Chanel No. 5's designer Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel was born in 1883 and grew up in rural France. Her mother died when she was only 12, and as a result, Chanel spent her teenage years in a convent. The nuns there taught her how to sew. After she grew up, she moved to Paris where she designed stylish clothes for women.
Upon becoming famous, Chanel became used to rubbing shoulders with wealthy men and women in opulent settings. In 1921 she decided to create a perfume for
her best clients. She said perfume "is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure." Chanel
contacted a perfume maker named Ernest
Beaux. He ultimately produced ten
fragrances numbered one to five and 20 to 24. Chanel chose number five, which named the perfume and became the first
fragrance to feature the name of a fashion
I love walking through this park because you can smell jasmine in the air from all the flowers.
Belle decided to paint her room the color jasmine because she wants it to be light yellow.
jasmine rice泰國香米
I love this restaurant’s Thai food because they always serve jasmine rice.
To attend his friend's wedding, John wore a stylish black suit and Eleanor wore a stylish red and black silk dress.
That new restaurant on Maple Street has become quite stylish, so it is very hard now to get a reservation there.
When people think of Europe and clothes, they usually think of the stylish French fashion!
Cheez-It是凱洛格公司通過其Sunshine Biscuits部門生產的奶酪餅乾品牌。大約26 x 24毫米的長方形餅乾是用小麥粉,植物油,脫脂牛奶,鹽和香料製成的奶酪製成的
Which is kind of a cheese-flavored cracker as well
They’re a little bit crunchier. And they have a stronger flavor than goldfish. They are flatter and crunchier易碎的.
note(s)of +(fragrance/ flavor)
fragrance vs. odor
effluvium 臭氣
it’s an unpleasant or harmful odor even.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.不管到了那裡還是一樣好【玫瑰換了名稱還是玫瑰】
It means whatever name or label you give to someone or something, it will not change what they really are.
For example, Rex is a singer, and now he is teaching English.
His title as an English teacher will not change
the fact that he is a singer inside because... A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Now this expression actually comes from Shakespeare's classic play Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet says, 'Romeo will always be Romeo even if he is from the family of Montague."
William’s ultimate act of courage was rescuing Peyton from the kidnappers.最勇敢的行動
Cheryl felt the ultimate insult was when her team leader rejected her proposal and yelled at her for doing a terrible job when she knew it would save the company thousands of dollars.最大的汙辱
As an athlete, Eli's ultimate goal is to qualify for the Olympics.最終目標是進入奧運的資格
The Queen of England's entrance to the formal ball was heralded by trumpets.號角聲宣告英國女皇即將步入舞會
The Covid-19 vaccines heralded the loosening of the worldwide lockdowns.疫苗的出現宣告全球性的解風即將來到
Thunder and lightning heralded the arrival of a destructive thunderstorm.
to rub shoulders with…
to rub shoulders with important tech entrepreneurs
he gets to meet them, see them on a regular basis and maybe bounce ideas off of them
opulent奢侈的; 富麗堂皇的; 華麗的; 豪華的
super fancy
usually, I would use a synonym like luxurious or if I’m talking about something that cost a lot of money, I might say expensive.
cedar [ˋsidɚ]西洋杉;雪松;香柏
freshly-baked cookies
white musk白麝香
Yankee Candles美國香氛知名品牌