社區緊急應變小組Community Emergency Response Team
平凡如你我,也能救人於水火 Ordinarry people can help save lives in a natural disaster
People of all ages can participate in a CERT program – there is even a teen program for adolescents. Local CERT trainers hold an annual training class and provide subsequent classes throughout the year to reinforce skills.
CERT programs are useful on many different levels. Volunteers are trained to act as eyes and ears, locating trapped victims for uniformed emergency responders who arrive later. They learn to put out small fires, shut off utilities, rescue survivors and provide basic medical treatment.
Volunteers also create disaster plans to
evacuate families as well as assemble and
store disaster supplies such as water, food
and first-aid kits. Working with
professionals, a CERT team can help
reduce injuries, loss of life and property
There are now CERT programs throughout the United States, and more than 600,000 people have trained as volunteers. Brazil, New Zealand and Turkey have similar programs. Citizens participate because they believe that everyone in a community has a role in disaster preparedness. By working competently as a team, CERT volunteers protect not only themselves but also the people around them when disasters occur.
adolenscent (n.) 青少年
It is not fair to expect adolescents to know what they want to study at university.期望青少年知道自己上大學要學甚麼不合理。
adolenscent (adj.) 青春期的
Bob's adolescent behavior when he was in his 20s got him into a lot of trouble.
adolenscence (n.) 青春期
Children change a great deal during adolescence as they develop into adults.
reinforce (v.) 強化;鞏固
Mrs. Clark always uses Monday as a review time during class to help reinforce what she has taught.
If you reinforce good behavior, kids will begin to change for the better and the same goes for bad behavier.
During the flood the people of the town reinforced the bank of the river to hold back the water. 強化河堤,防堵河水
subsequent vs. initial
happened after something else
(adj.) +on many levels
act as eyes and ears
the one who are looking out for problems, looking out for details. They are initial witness.
extinguisher 滅火器vs. hydrant 消防栓
survivor’s guilt
That can happen when you're the one who survives and a lot of other people pass away or perish. So you might have survivor's guilt after a big disaster like this that you survived.
evacute (v.) 撤離;疏散
The entire village was evacuated because of the forest fire.
The fire chief was the last person to evacuate the burning building.
The evacuation of the school was completed justbefore it was destroyed by the flood.
competently (adv.) 稱職地;疏散
Marie competently carried out all of the household tasks her mother gave her to do.完美地完成
competent (adj.)
Dr. Huntly is the most competent doctor I've come in contact with this field.這個領域最稱職的醫生
Matt is not competent enough in car repair work to fix the engine properly.
First-aid kit是一種裝有急救藥品或醫療器械的容器,根據急救包的形式,可以有急救箱、急救袋等不同稱呼。急救包為急救的實施者提供保障。急救實施者可以從中獲得藥物和醫療器械,還可以獲得相關的醫療建議,或者根據指引聯絡醫療機構。幾乎任何形式的容器都可以裝備成急救包,例如貨箱、手提箱、背包、腰袋等等。
Band-aid創可貼/ gauze紗布/ bandages繃帶