翻轉「糖尿病」的醫學奇蹟An EveryDay Medical Marvel
The turning point in understanding diabetes happened in 1889 when two German scientists discovered that dogs immediately became diabetic when their pancreases were removed. However, the mechanism by which the organ regulated blood glucose remained a mystery. Roughly 20 years later, Frederick Banting, a young Canadian surgeon, started working in the laboratory of John Macleod, a professor at the University of Toronto. Building on former experiments with the pancreas, Banting and Macleod's team were able to isolate a hormone we now know as insulin.
In late 1921, the experiments resulted in a major breakthrough. When the hormone was injected into a diabetic dog, the dog's blood sugar levels would return to normal. Finally, a treatment was within reach.
That was almost too late for Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old boy who weighed a scant 30 kilos due to diabetes. In January of 1922, he was in the Toronto General Hospital in a coma and near death. His distraught father agreed to an experimental treatment. Within 24 hours, Leonard's alarmingly high blood sugar levels returned to normal. Insulin had saved his life.
Today insulin is mass-produced synthetically and is saving lives all around the world.
turning point (ph.)轉折點;轉機
The turning point in Owen's baseball career was when a manager of a major league baseball team saw Owen hit the ball over the fence.
The turning point in Vivian and Carter's relationship was when theu really started to listen to each other.
The turning point in school for Barb was when her fourth-grade teacher started encouraging her.
mechanism (n.)機制;結構方式
What mechanism is in place for people to move up the ladder in this company? 競爭機制
Your body's natural defense mechanism should help Vou fight off any more infections.自然防禦機制
mechanism (n.)機械裝置
It will take a specialist to fix the clock mechanisam because it is extremely intricate.
Someone with diabetes.
The knowledge about something and how something works. And we know that you are here at Studio Classroom to develop a better understanding of the English language. We could also ask someone if they have understanding in general. Do they have wisdom? Are they familiar with the way things work?
an understanding person
maybe someone made a mistake, but you’re OK, you say, “That’s OK. I forgive you. I understand ”
to remain a mystery
raging hormones
when young men and ladies are becoming men and ladies, they go through a period in life called puberty. And they develop what we call raging hormones. That start to experience a lot of emotions in extreme ways.
You’re a lifesaver!幫了及時的忙;救命恩人
inject (v.)注射
Because Serena was unconscious, they injected her with the pain medication instead of having her take it orally. 注射止痛劑
inject (v.)注入;湧入
This project needs someone to inject some new ideas into its planning.
injection (n.)
After receiving her flu injection, Fanny went home and took a long nap. 注射完流感疫苗
Add a scant cup of sugar to the butter, and beat together before adding the egas.
Tom is often in trouble because he shows scant regard for the school’s rules. 不理校規
We usually don't buy anything from that store because they pay scant attention to the quality of their goods.不關心商品的品質
in reach / within reach
to weigh in on +(n.)
If you weigh in on something, maybe a conversation, that means you are adding your opinion or your suggestions or your thoughts.
alarmingly something: thing is very surprising.