D-K達克效應The Dunning
無知者無畏──你自我感覺良好嗎?Kruger Effect-Are you as capable as you think you are?
The opposite of the Dunning-Kruger effect also happens: capable people have
a more accurate view of their own abilities, and sometimes they even underestimate
themselves. An extreme case of this would be impostor syndrome, which is when a skilled person feels as if they are faking their skills despite knowing what they are doing.
It's tempting to think of the Dunning-Kruger effect as a problem that other people have. People may even laugh at those who think themselves more competent than they are. But everyone has areas where they lack competence and the Dunning-Kruger effect means they may be especially bad at identifying
those areas.
Even if someone is very intelligent in general, there are still things they don't
know much about. Expertise in one area cannot always be transferred to other
That's why it's important to keep digging for information even when you think you've found answers. It can also be helpful to check your ideas with other
people. Receiving negative feedback can hurt, but if you're willing to listen, it can
help you grow.
Even just keeping in mind that the Dunning-Kruger effect exists can help
you stay humble, accept criticism and, thus, keep learning throughout your life.
Samuel underestimated the amount of time it would take to build the house and had to stay at his parents for several months.
Never underestimate how much you can accomplish if you set your mind to it.
一旦下定決心去做 就不要低估可以完成到甚麼程度
Sheila underestimated the cost of her car repairs and ended up borrowing money to pay for them.
It is very tempting to want to quit your job when you’re angry, but don’t do it!
The chocolate cake was too tempting for Doris to resist.
Don’t tempt thieves by leaving valuables in your car.
impostor syndrome
這個名稱是在1978年由臨床心理學家克蘭斯博士(英語:Pauline R. Clance)與因墨斯(英語:Suzanne A. Imes)所提出,用以指稱出現在成功人士身上的一種現象。
患有冒名頂替症候群的人無法將自己的成功歸因於自己的能力,並總是擔心有朝一日會被他人識破自己其實是騙子這件事。他們堅信自己的成功並非源於自己的努力或能力,而是憑藉著運氣、良好的時機,或別人誤以為他們能力很強、很聰明,才導致他們的成功[1] 。即使現實環境中的證據指明,他們確實具備優秀才能,他們還是認為自己只是騙子,不值得獲得成功。有研究顯示,冒名頂替症候群在高成就女性當中較為常見[2] ;同時也有研究指出男性與女性的盛行率沒有差異
They're using skills that they already have to do something new, and they think: Wow. Am I really able to do this? Am I going to be good at this? and they doubt abilities even though they’re probably really awesome.
fake it till you make it
Well, if you're faking it till you're making it, it means that you are pretending that you know how to do it, or you're pretending that you're competent until you actually are competent.
“假裝直到成功”是英語中的格言,它表明通過模仿自信,勝任力和樂觀的心態,人們可以在現實生活中實現這些品質,並實現他們追求的結果。該短語在1973年之前的某個時候首次得到證明。最早在1968年發行的Simon&Garfunkel的單曲《 Fakin'It》中也提到了類似的短語,也出現在他們的書擋專輯中
blind spot盲點
learn from your mistakes
Simon's expertise in finance makes him an asset to his organization. 成為機構的資產
Edie likes to travel in Europe with Ian because of his expertise in European history.
Amelia's lack of expertise in the production process was the reason she wasn’t hired for the job.
dig for (ph.v)挖掘;搜尋
The police are digging for more information on the person who is lost in the mountains.
keep digging for any wrongdoings on the part of this organization.
The team is digging for artifacts in the Egyptian desert.
ignorant vs. well-versed
ignorant about something
don’t know about it or you don't know much about it
well-versed in something精通
know a lot about it
to bounce ideas off of +(person)
sounding board意見徵詢對象
Well, a sounding board, if you are a sounding board for somebody, that means they've come to you and said, "Hey, how does this sound?" they are the person that you’re bouncing the ideas off of.
舉例來說,假設你有個想法或念頭,你不知道可不可行,或不知道別人會做何反應,這時你想先告訴自己的閨密,試看看她會有什麼反應,不論反應是聽得懂、聽不懂、很反對或很讚賞,她都是你的sounding board,你的意見徵詢對象。你把想法或念頭透過閨密(天蓬)做測試性的散佈,若能散發出清晰的音質,或散發出好聽、不中聽的感受,你就能得知是否該採用
constructive criticism
assertive vs. aggressive
First, I think we need to talk about what that word "assertive" means because if you're assertive, that means you behave very confidently, and you're not scared or frightened to express what you believe or what you want, um, in different situations.