認識一下人緣超好的萌萌水豚Meet the water pigs
齧齒動物之所以為齧齒動物的原因何在? 重達七十九公斤的水豚怎麼會和寵物倉鼠同為齧齒目呢? 齧齒動物的牙齒使其有別於其他物種。 齧齒動物的四顆門牙不會停止生長;因此必須不斷啃咬東西以防止牙齒過長。像兔子這樣的一些動物也需啃咬磨齒,不過牠們並不屬於齧齒類;這些動物擁有更多持續生長的牙齒,而且在 其他許多方面也有所不同。儘管水豚很可愛,但要當寵物飼養可不是一個好主意。水豚的毛一點都不柔軟。 而且,水豚需要很多水、植物和朋友──牠們是非常喜歡社交的動物!水豚常以十到二十隻的數量群居在一起。 再者,牠們是南美原生動物;如果在其他地方逃脫,很可能會破壞當地的生態環境。水豚在美國佛州就已經進入野外並且開始繁殖,在當地對水豚本身以及其他外來物種都造成了不少問題。 因此,如果想看可愛的水豚君,還是走一趟「可愛動物園」吧。
What makes a rodent a rodent? How cana 79-kilogram capybara be the same kind of animal as a pet hamster?
Rodents' teeth distinguish them from other kinds of animals. Rodents' four front teeth never stop growing. They must gnaw on things to keep these teeth from getting too long. Other animals, like rabbits, also need to gnaw, but they aren't considered rodents. They have more teeth that never stop growing and are also different in other ways.
As cute as capybaras are, keeping one as a pet is a bad idea. Their fur isn't soft. They require lots of water, plants and friends they're very social animals! They live in groups of 10 to 20 animals. Plus, they're indigenous to South America. If they get free anywhere else, they could damage the local environment. They've already escaped and multiplied in Florida, where they and other foreign species are causing problems. So if you want to meet some cute capybaras, visit them in a petting zoo.
How do children learn to distinguish right from wrong? 分辨是非
These red markers distinguish the lake from the ocean. 紅色記號筆
distinguish oneself 使自己出類拔萃
Sarah Gilbert distinguished herself as a person who helped discover a vaccine for COVID-19.
My dog loves to gnaw on a big bone.
As Parker listened to the lecture, he gnawed on his pen.
gnaw away at someone 吞食、侵蝕、慢慢影響某人
Doubt about what Elizabeth had told him began to gnaw away at Jeremy.
what makes +(n.)+a+(n.)?
order: Rodentia嚙齒目
哺乳動物中的一目,其特徵為上頜和下頜各兩顆會持續生長的門牙,嚙齒目動物必須通過啃咬來不斷磨短這兩對門牙。 哺乳動物中百分之四十的物種都屬於嚙齒目,而且在除了南極洲的其他所有大陸上都可以找到其大量的蹤跡。
dental anatomy牙體解剖學
things that are going on with teeth or the mouth.
And, um, if you've ever taken an anatomy class, I haven't, but I had friends in university who had to take anatomy class as part of their nursing major.
gnawing at someone煩惱佔據某人心思
And if a problem that you have is gnawing away at you, it always helps to talk to someone about it or to search for information like where that song Rex is thinking about comes from.
gnaw away某件事正在漸漸地摧毀某人或某物
Don’t let fear gnaw away at your self-confidence.
You need to put that food into the refrigerator or bacteria will multiply on it.
The amount of information we found out about the robbery multiplied when the police questioned the workers.
At what age do children learn to multiply?
How many species of birds live around this lake?
This species of flower produces a terrible smell that attracts small insects that it eats.
You will only find the species of flower in the mountain areas .
a bad idea
to keep a/ an (animal)+as a pet
indigenous vs. aboriginal
if something is indigenous to somewhere, that means that's where they originated or that's where they came from originally. indigenous can be used as a reference to people or to things like animals. But if we use a related term, aboriginal, that's in reference to people who were the earliest people in a place.
invasive species
field mouse