雙關語 樂趣多ONCE "A-PUN" A TIME

大家都愛玩文字遊戲People love to have fun with language



下面是一個例子: 有一天,一個人衝進醫生的診間大喊:「醫生!醫生!

我覺得我在縮小!」醫生回答:「別擔心;你只要有一點耐心就好了(你當個小病人就好了)。」 你聽懂這個笑話了嗎?

因為 patient 這個字可以有兩種不同的含意。

至於喜愛文法的人,試試下面這個笑話: 「過去」、「現在」和「未來」慢慢走進咖啡廳;那真令人緊張(那是時態)!


好吧,再一個: 二月可以三月(遊行)嗎?不行,但四月可以(五月)


這個雙關語的幽默逗趣之處在於,March 和 May都有 不只一個意思。



好的雙關語必須在適當的時機用在適當的人身上;要是太常使用雙關語,可能會被「雙關語 ished」(懲罰)!

Sometimes two words sound the same

and have identical spellings but different

meanings. These words are called

homonyms. Here's an example:

One day a guy hurries into the doctor's

office and cries out, "Doctor! Doctor! I

think I'm shrinking!" The doctor replies,

"Don't worry. You'll just have to be a

little patient."

Did you get the joke? The word patient

can have two different meanings.

And for all of you who love grammar, try

this one:

The past, the present and the future

walked slowly into a café. It was tense!

I'm sure it was! Sounds like it was a

verb tense! OK, one more:

Can February March? No, but April


This pun's humor is based on the fact

that March and May can have more than

one meaning.

Puns are sometimes called "the lowest

form of humor." When dads tell them,

they're called "dad jokes." A good pun

must be used at the right time with the

right people. If you use puns too much,

you might be pun-ished!


identical (adj.)完全相同的;極為相似的

Suzy can never figure out which house is Nora’s because the houses on her street look identical.

The brothers are identical in appearance but very different in character.

The ingredients in these two cakes are identical except for a cup of pineapple in this one. 


shrink (v.)收縮;變小

I wash all of my clothes in cold water because I don’t want them to shrink.

Many villages in Japan are shrinking because young people want to live in the cities.

shrink  from something 不願意做某事

Paul shrinks from taking on any extra work at his job because he feels he is busy enough already. 不願意做額外的工作

tense (adj.) 繃緊的;緊張的

When Nick arrived, the atmosphere in the room became tense as his ex-girlfriend was there, too.

tense (n.) 動詞的時態

Which verb tense should be used in this sentence?


How do you spell +(word)?

I don’t get it.

it’s over one’s head 難以理解

Even, you know, aside from jokes, maybe there's something that happened in the news, and everybody else understands exactly what went on, and you're like: Well, I... don't understand why this is so important. It's over my head




deadpan (n.) 面無表情的表情

I usually have a deadpan when I tell my jokes.

deadpan (v.) 擺出面無表情的表情

John deadpans when he is in meetings.


tense (v.)使繃緊;使緊張 

Many people tense slightly whenever a plane they are on takes off.

humor (n.)幽默

Books by Alexander McCall Smith contain a lot of humor.

Everybody says it helps to have a good sense of humor if you work for Mr. Whitling.

humor (adj.)

What is considered humorous in one culture is not necessarily humorous in another.


grammarian 法家

I hate frustrating grammarians.



It’s not funny.


Why should you never tell a kleptomaniac a pun?


what flowers are on your face?

Tulips 鬱金香

sense of humor (n. phrase) vs. humorous

fun vs. funny



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