
想不起東西放在哪?WHERE'S MY STUFF?

讓 AirTag「防丟神器」助你一臂之力

AirTags are a handy way to keep track of your things







如果你把貼附有 AirTag的東西隨手放在家裡某處,標牌的內建喇叭便會發出聲音。






安卓手機也有一個類似的裝置,叫作Tile Mate

It happens all the time. You set something down and then for the life of you, you can't remember where you left it. To assist absent-minded people, Apple came out with a handy device last year called an AirTag. This small circular tag can be attached to your keys, your wallet or just about anything. The tag can then be tracked using Bluetooth in the Find

My app. In the app, the AirTag displays its location on a map. If you have misplaced something in your house with an AirTag attached, the tag's built-in speakers will play a sound. Follow the sound to locate it.

You can also set up a separation alert in the Find My app. Using that, you can make sure your phone is always with you or you don't leave your keys or wallet behind. You can track multiple items, too.

Each Apple ID can be associated with up to 16 AirTags. Each one of those is linked

to your Apple ID, so no one else can track it. Android phones have a comparable

device called Tile Mate.


come out with (ph v.)提出;推出

My favorite author is coming out with a new book in the near future. 推出一本新書

Trust Yvonne ot always come out with a strong opinion. 提出很強的意見

The government just came out with a new tax law for business. 推出一項新稅制


circular (adj.)圓形的;環形的

The Sawyers have a circular table in their dining room.

This bus goes on a circular route, so it doesn’t return this way.

The drive up to the house ends with a circular driveway. 環形車道


handy (adj.)/handyman (person)

handy (adj.)便利的;便於使用的

handyman (person)幹雜活的人,雜務工;手巧的人,多面手


to keep track of +(n.)

you’re fully aware, or informed about something

for the life of you


absent-minded 心不在焉的;健忘的

doesn’t really pay attention to what's happening right around them

my mind is like a sieve 記性極差,非常健忘(貴人多忘事)


off the beaten path 遠離很多人走過的路;非主流的

The beach is off the beaten path, so there’s only a few people there.

off the beaten track 特立獨行作法、風格

The artist is known for going off the beaten track


alert  (n.)警報

The police sent out an alert that a criminal had escaped and was on the loose in the area. 遊蕩

When a tree branch that Jason stepped on snapped, the deer raised its head, alert . police sent out an alert that a criminal had escaped and was on the loose in the 

alert  (v.)警告;使警覺

It was in 1964 that the U.S. government really started to alert people about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. 警告大眾吸菸的危險性


comparable  (adj.)類似的;相當的

These two cars are of comparable size, so let’s buy the red one. 大小差不多

Josie’s speed around the running track is not comparable to her sister’s. 

The test results for cancer from Dr. Franken is comparable  with Dr. Mever’s, so I suggest you seek a plan of treatment as soon as possible.


misplaced vs. displaced 

means you put it somewhere, and you forgot where you put it, or you put it in the wrong place

And these days you might hear the word "displaced" being used to describe people,

refugees who have been forced to leave their homes or leave their countries.

If someone is internally displaced, that means they're not a refugee in another



to follow +(n.)

to leave +(n.)+behind

that means it’s not with you anymore

it isn’t the end of the world

I... mean, I know you don't actually think the world is ending, but, uh, it does seem like you are a little more upset than you need to be.

it’s a really big deal. I mean being over an hour late and missing a meeting would be a huge deal anytime

I... mean, I know you don't actually think the w

blow it

to waste an opportunity

iOS (apple )vs. Android

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