讓想法條理分明 你得準備發表演講。Get your ideas organized
You have to make a speech. You have done your research and now have an abundance of ideas bouncing around in your head that you want to get across. The
big question you face at this point is how to organize those thoughts. Or perhaps you are planning to write a paper, and all you have is the main topic. You need to brainstorm some supporting ideas and then figure out how those ideas fit together.
These are just two scenarios that many people deal with frequently. Some use outlining to flesh out and organize their ideas, but is that the best tactic? If everyone thought in a linear manner, then the answer would be yes, but most people don't. Enter mind mapping, a technique that shows how different ideas and facts relate to one another. This two-dimensional structure is designed to help you remember information because its format is easy for your mind to remember. Mind maps have proven to boost not only productivity and creativity but also memory. More than 250 million people worldwide use them, so why don't you jump on the bandwagon and see what they are all about?
abundance (n.)豐盛;豐富
There was an abundance of food at the picnic.
Maurine has an abundance of black curls, so her hair is hard to manage. 濃密的捲髮
abundant (adj.)
There is an abundant supply of frozen meat and vegetables in the freezer.
bounce around (ph v.)四處彈跳;東奔西走
Alexi kicked the ball into the room where it bounced around until Valerie stopped it.
Peter has been bouncing around the world since he graduated from college.在世界各地東奔西走
bounce around (ph v.)來回討論某個想法或事情
The committee bounced around so many good ideas that it was hard to decide which one to go with.
DYOR 投資前自己做好研究
do your own research and look it up
I've heard this phrase... or these letters a lot, um, especially recently, uh, with cryptocurrencies and people on podcasts and YouTube talking about different
cryptocurrencies, um, and talking about the organizations and the good things that they're doing or their different projects and stuff
due diligence盡責查證
盡責查證、盡職調查是在簽署合約或是其他交易之前,依特定注意標準,對合約或交易相關人或是公司的調查。 盡職調查可能是依法律要求必須進行的,不過多半是指自願性的調查。在許多產業中常見的盡職調查是在潛在買家要併購其他公司時會先評估目標公司及其資產。
Before you do an activity and you're not sure if it's legal or illegal, you need to do some due diligence to find out about that.
it also means to research
to get your point across
it also means to research
a paper (essay, research paper, dissertation, etc.)
it also means to research
to deal with +(n.)
to brainstorm
The manager tried many different tactics to keep his staff working hard. 不同策略
Sometimes politicians use scare tactics in order to win an election. 恐嚇的手段
Shock tactics are being used in driver’s education class to make young drivers aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. 突擊策略
face the facts
We need to face the facts that the economy is bad right now.. 恐嚇的手段
The higher the productivity, the higher the workers’ wages will be. 不同策略
The loss in productivity caused by the forced closure of the factory cost the company millions of dollars. 工廠關閉的損失害這家公司損失了數百萬美元
The high rate of productivity on the farm where they only used natural substances astounded everyone. 讓所有人震驚不已
to flesh out 充實;賦予血肉
train of thought 思路
Your train of thought is what you're thinking about at the time... (Choo-choo.) and taking those ideas to a certain place
But if you lose your train of thought, it means you forget what you are talking about, or you change the topic altogether.
Inside Out
Enter +(n.)
to jump on a bandwagon 順應潮流;跟風;隨波逐浪
When you jump on a bandwagon, that means you're doing something that a lot of other people are doing
bandwagon 浪潮;時尚
admission tickets 門票
tip 提點 tips
in advance 提前
skip the line 免排隊
good to know