水危機Water Crisis
乾淨用水及基礎衛生設施才是解決危機之道Clean water and basic sanitation can save millions
Around 800 million people lack even basic access to safe water. Two billion people lack access to a toilet.
Handwashing and toilets are crucial to preventing the spread of disease, and water is necessary for both.
Water.org states that nearly 1 million people die each year from diseases related to water, sanitation or hygiene. Those deaths could easily be reduced with access to safe water or sanitation. World Vision世界展望會, the world’s largest non-governmental provider of clean water in the developing world, reports that dirty water kills more than 800 children under five every day.
Cultural factors complicate this problem. Organizations such as Water.org and the World Bank all emphasize that girls’ education is the key to eradicating poverty.
hygiene 個人衛生
The practice of good personal hygiene keeps most people from getting ill.
Restaurants need to follow the government standards of hygiene, or they will be closed down.
Hospital room must be hygienic, or patients will not recover from their illnesses.
eradicate 根除;杜絕
The deadly disease smallpox has been eradicated by a vaccine. 疫苗已經根除天花這個致命的疾病
We hire a pest control company to eradicate the cockroaches in our apartment.
The organization eradicate ed poverty in the African village by teaching different trades to the people here.不同的貿易活動
staggering numbers
If something is staggering, the idea is that it’s shocking or surprising.
If someone is staggering, that means they are walking in kind of a way that’s not very stable.
A number is staggering, it really just makes you think: Wow! That’s a kind of crazy.
non-governmental organization, NGO
blood runs/is thicker than water 血濃於水;形容親情的重要
show that family is more important than any other relationships in your life.
Blood ties are strong.
Karen’s cousin and her friend had weddings planned for the same day. She chose to go to her cousin’s wedding because blood runs/is thicker than water.
When Tom’s sister was going through a hard time, he was the first person there for her because blood runs/is thicker than water.
Tom helped his sister financially, because blood runs/is thicker than water.
But the water crisis disproportionately affects females because, more often than not, traditional gender roles place the work of fetching water on them.
The good news, says actor and water advocate Matt Damon, is that “the water crisis is tragic and totally unnecessary because it’s solvable if done right and with urgency.” That’s why celebrities like Damon, U2’s Bono and others choose to champion this particular issue.
It’s not until we educate ourselves, raise awareness and support worthy water development efforts that we can solve the water crisis problem.
advocate 支持者;提倡者
Vance is a strong advocate of human rights.
Nancy is a consumer advocate who works to protect people from unfair business practices. 消費者權益倡導者 免受不公平交易之害
advocate [ˋædvə͵ket] (v.)支持;提倡【注意發音不同】
Lillian advocates for fair living conditions for the refugees that enter our country.
urgency [ˋædvəkɪt](n.)緊急;急迫
Caroline sensed urgency in Joe’s voice when he called and asked for help.
If there is no feeling of urgency regarding the economic crisis, nothing will ever change.
As soon as Vicki saw Rachel’s leg, she knew it was urgent to get Rachel to the hospital.
gender roles
more often than not多半
it’s generally more often that we do something than that we don’t do something.
done right and with urgency
to raise awareness
IT tried to troubleshoot some issues with my iPad, but they haven’t found a solution.
I knew that you could troubleshoot!
You solve problem.
feel like a fish out of water 渾身不自在
To feel awkward尷尬的 in an unfamiliar or new situation.
Everyone else at the party already knew each other really well, so I felt like a fish out of water.
disproportionately 不成比例地;太大或太小;不相稱地