手語Sign Language
打破溝通藩籬的重要方式 An important way to break down communication barriers
Deaf people and hearing people have many strong opinions about sign language. Some contend that deaf people should learn to read lips instead of signing. They argue that deaf people who only sign are isolated and cut off from the rest of society. Many people disagree, claiming that ASL is simply their natural language. Educators debate whether American deaf people should use ASL or one of the other varieties of signed English.
Whether you're deaf or hearing, learning sign language can be an enriching experience. It can help you make new friends. If you're hearing, perhaps you'll want to become an interpreter for the Deaf. You can help them understand talks or deal with medical or legal situations. Maybe you could become a teacher of the
Deaf yourself. If you ever have a deaf child, you will be able to use sign language as a tool of communication. Don't worry that sign language is too hard to learn. It really can be as easy as ABC.
contend (v.)聲稱;主張
Around 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, people contended that the Earth was flat.
contend (v.)競爭;爭奪
Athletes from around the world traveled to Tokyo this last summer to contend for gold medals in their various sports. (過去的這個夏天)爭奪金牌
contend with應付
Every summer it seems farmers have to contend with too much or too little rain.
Isolate (v.)隔離;孤立
Two of the skiers were isolated from their group by an unexpected snowstorm in the mountains. 突如其來的暴風雪 與團隊分開
To prevent the spread of Covid, people were isolated for two weeks if they had been exposed to someone who had it or had traveled abroad. 隔離兩個星期
It is very easy for immigrants to feel isolated. 移民者容易感到孤立無援
strong opinions
Because sometimes we could say if someone has really strong opinions and they're not willing to change their opinions, or you would have to spend a long time talking to convince them to change, we could say that is an opinionated person.
Oh, that's true.
Now a lot of people have strong opinions about different things.
Maybe you have strong opinions about the environment or politics or religion.
a lot of musicians have come under fire recently because it turns out when they perform live, they’re using a track of their voices instead of actually singing.
cut off from
if you cut off from something like society or a group, this means you’re caused to be separate or even alone from different from that group.
professors at a university, teachers, instructors, coaches of different kind
a sing of the times 時代特徵
Though safety measures are in place, many people continue to work from home. It is a sing of the times.
The art of communication is being lost because of mobile phones. It is a sing of the times.
a sure sing 明顯的跡象;某些是一定會發生
is used when something is definitely going to happen or is true
you can say the heavy dark clouds in the sky are a sure sign that it’s going to rain soon.
The huge diamond ring on her finger is a sure sign that she is engaged.
enrich (v.)使豐富;充實
Rob feels his mind was enriched when he went to college because he was exposed to information he had never heard before. 覺得心靈很充實
Milk is often enriched with vitamin D to make sure people get enough of this vitamin.富有維他命D
Financial advisors attract new clients with the promise of enriching their financial status. 保證財務狀況得到提昇來吸引新客戶
Sonia is a Russian interpreter at the United Nations in New York. 紐約聯合國的俄語翻譯員
When Marigold first moved to Spain, she communicated through an interpreter.
Leah's refusal to work overtime was interpreted as a lack of commitment to her job, but in reality, she had a young child at home to care for.
the Deaf
interpreter vs. translator
someone who is sharing in sign language while somebody else is on stage speaking a spoken or verbal language.
to (v.)+(for)yourself
You could go out to dinner every night, or you could learn how to cook for yourself.
Exclamation point驚嘆號
Reflection page
And remember, there are some other pages in your magazine that can challenge you and maybe help you to improve your English as well like the Reflection Page or some of those practice tests in the end.
And also, don't forget some of the things we have on our other social media platforms like (Chinese). There's a new episode every week.
That's right.
And not only that, we want to connect with you, too.