認識「洗錢」學會防制Clean of Dirty Money?
破解洗錢三階段,防制不法髒錢合法化 Criminals use money laundering to try to hide their illegal money
Greed drives most criminals. But their illegal profits can't easily be used to buy anything legally without being noticed
by the authorities. The money from their unlawful activities must first be introduced into the legal financial system.
Money laundering allows large amounts of illegally made money appear to come from legal businesses. By creating policies and procedures and
using technology, governments strive to prevent this crime. They want to make it impossible for criminals to hide their ill-gotten gains.
Money laundering can generally be divided into three stages. First is placement. The dirty money from criminal activities is put into the banking system. The generally large amount of
money is usually spread among a large number of personal accounts or placed in shell companies. Layering is the second stage. In order to make the cash flow less detectable, criminals move the money in
and out of multiple accounts. This makes tracing the money very confusing. Last comes integration. When the money is transferred back into the financial system, it makes it difficult for authorities to trace its criminal source.
Henry’s greed for money and power is the reason he lost all of his friends. 貪圖金錢和權力
Amanda is extremely selfish because of her greed.
greedy (adj.)貪心的
Susan and Bob didn’t leave any cake for anyone else because they are very greedy.很貪吃
Most students need some financial assistance to go to university.
Bruce’s company was not a financial success, and he finally had to close it down.財務狀況不佳,不得不結束營業
The city financed free outdoor concerts las summer. 免費贊助戶外音樂會
Money laundering
to drive(當動詞)
motivated, something gives power to somebody to do something
have a drive to do (當名詞)
Could be referring to the police or anybody else in the government
unlawful vs. illegal
But for me, when I think of the word "illegal," it's simply just... it's not emotional. It's just: OK. This is against the law.
Whereas if someone says something is unlawful, then there's an emotional or moral feeling attached to that word.
An established or an official method or way of doing something
ill-gotten gains不法所得
blood money血汗錢;透過苦難或壓榨賺來的錢;支付給殺手的錢
My Dad worked himself to death for this blood money.
could also be money paid to the family of someone who was killed or even paid to hire a killer.
blood diamonds
The diamonds mined in a war zone and are often sold to make money for continuing conflict
Also referred to as conflict diamonds.
integration 融合
The integration of the information headquarters received from its branch offices into the overall plan helped the managers to make good decisions.
Back in the 1960s, racial integration in schools began in the southern part of the U.S. 校園族群融合
Economic integration came about in Europe when the European Union was formed. 經濟整合
transfer (v.)轉移
Sheldon transferred some rent money into his son’s checking account to help Tim out when he was looking for a job.
transfer (v.)轉接
Could you please transfer my call to Ms. Darlene Wright's office?
transfer (v.)轉機
Your flight from here to Newark is not non-stop, which means you’ll have to transfer in Detroit.
in most cases
shell company
a fake company, or rather, it’s a real company that’s specifically used for illegal purposes.
quick-change artist
Well, you usually find these criminals in tourist areas.
And what they do is they target people who aren't used to that currency.
So, for example, if you're traveling, and the currency you are using isn't one in your home country and you go to buy maybe a souvenir or something like that from the street.
When you start to hand them the money to pay for your items, they start to give you change very quickly.
I have the authority to give parking tickets.
You have two weeks to pay the fine.
I have the authority to arrest you.
Put me in jail.
money doesn’t grow on trees(提醒別人花錢時要謹慎)錢可不是從樹上長出來的,錢可不是從天上掉下來的
You have to work hard for money. You have to earn money. You can’t just go outside and pick it off of a tree.
put your money where your mouth is 以實際行動支持;以行動證明自己的話
another way of expressing that you’re actually going to do what you say you think is so valuable.