羽生結弦一冰上之星(2-1-) Yuzuru Hanyu- A star on ice

日本花式滑冰王子擄獲全世界的心Winning hearts around the world












On March 11, 2011, 16-year-old Yuzuru Hanyu was skating at a local rink when the ice beneath him began cracking. He was experiencing 2011's deadly Great East Japan Earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.0 and killed at least 18,500 people. As soon as the shaking stopped, the terrified young man fled the building.

 Thankfully, neither Hanyu nor his family were hurt, but vivid memories of the earthquake still haunt him. The event also left him with a greater determination to make every day count. In splendid fashion, Hanyu has kept his promise to himself and the world.



 He was introduced to the world of figure skating at the age of 4. As he watched his sister skate, her coach suggested that the energetic little boy give skating a try. He loved the sport and entered his first competition at age 10. By the time he was 23, Hanyu had won two Olympic gold medals. This achievement made him the first Asian skater in the men's singles category to be an Olympic champion. Today some consider him the best figure skater in history!


crack 破裂;裂開

I heard the ice cubes cracke as I ran warm water over them.


crack 重擊;撞到

When Shelia fell, she cracked her head on the sidewalk.


cracked  adj.)失常或崩潰的

Paul finally cracked under all the pressure at work.

terrify v.)害怕;恐懼

terrified adj

Mrs. Branch’s students are all terrified of her tests because they’re so difficult.

Both Linda and her daughter are terrified of heights. 懼高症

Research has shown that the one thing most people are terrified of is speaking in public.


to win someone over

magnitude on the Richter scale

the magnitude of a situation

that refers to how serious a situation is most of the time.


A trauma


to unsee+(n.

if you can’t unsee something, that means you saw it once in the past, and every time you think about the situation, that image comes to your mind. You can’t unsee it. It’s something you want to forget, but you just can’t.


to make every day count

it’s kind of a reminder not to waste time, to make it so that each day makes a difference in your life.


weather the storm 平安度過暴風雨

means to survive or dear with a difficult situation without being harmed or damaged too much.

The politician wasn’t able to weather the storm caused by his foolish comments.

The politician wasn’t able to weather the storm caused by his mistake.那位政客無法度過犯罪之後帶來的危機。

storm is brewing 一場危機正在醞釀

Menas that danger or difficulty is expected to happen in the future.

A storm was brewing as the protesters arrived.抗議者抵達時,一場危機慢慢地在醞釀。

We sensed a storm was brewing as the protesters got louder and angrier, so we quickly left the protest.

protest. n.)抗議者;反對者;拒絕者;斷言者



Our boss is so energetic that most of us get tired just being around him.

Whenever Ross feels energetic, he goes for a run around the lake. 繞著湖邊跑步

Some kids are too energetic to sit still in a classroom all day and should be given the opportunity to move around more. 無法整天坐在教室不動,應該給他們多一點動一動的機會。

achievement n.)成績;成就

The hikers all felt a sense of achievement when they reached the top of the mountain.攻頂

Whitney’s major achievement was writing a book about Ang Lee.一大成就是寫了一本有關李安的書。

achieve v.

Karen worked hard to achieve her goal of becoming a university professor.

the world of +(n.

to give +(n.a try

Years ago I gave clowning a try. 扮小丑

the sprot

by the time

This is used to share what has already happened at the same time something else does.

G.O.A.T= greatest of all time

How do you make every day count?

live in the moment

rink 溜冰場


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