蛋白飲真有奇效! Do Portein Shakes Work?
從科學角度檢視高蛋白健康飲品The science of this popular health food
Consuming protein shakes can also help you lose weight. Eating a high-protein diet helps you feel full, so it's easier to resist eating too much. High-protein diets can also increase how quickly your body burns energy. When you use more energy than you take in through food, you lose weight. And high-protein diets have also been linked to the loss of fat.
Disadvantages of protein shakes However, you don't have to drink protein shakes to have a high-protein diet.
Many whole foods are rich in protein. In fact, the people in many high-protein diet studies didn't drink protein shakes. The studies proved the benefits of eating protein-rich foods. Moreover, these foods contain other nutrients in addition to protein. In contrast, many protein shakes contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, which are not healthy.
To sum up
So yes, protein shakes are convenient, and they work. However, they are not your only choice for eating a high-protein diet.
resist 忍住;抗拒
Linda just can’t resist eating chocolate every day.難以抗拒
Nadine found it difficult to resist Pete’s charms.魅力難擋
William resisted the urge to laugh when Ethan fell off his horse. 忍住不笑
There are many disadvantages to smoking, so please don't even think about trying it.
One disadvantage to eating a lot of chocolate is that you will probably gain weight!
The big disadvantage to this house is that most windows face north, so you won't get a lot of tight.
legumes 莢果是果實的一種類型,屬於單果,是豆科植物特有的果實類型,心皮只有一枚許多莢果以及其中包含的種子被人類當作蔬菜、糧食或中藥食用,如大豆、豌豆、槐樹角等,常見的莢果包括紫花苜蓿,三葉草屬,豌豆,豆類,鷹嘴豆,小扁豆,羽扇豆, mesquite, 長角豆,黃豆,花生以及酸豆。
Black beans instead of the meat
to burn (energy, calories, fat, etc.)
to burn the midnight oil
intake (n.) 吸收;攝取(量)
pros and cons
binge eating disorder 狂食症
bulimia nervosa 暴食症
Driving and texting at the same time is dangerous. Morcover, it is not legal in many states.
Eli is a very good actor. Moreover, he is a talented singer and dancer.
The apartment is conveniently located. Moreover, the rent is quite cheap.
Brazil is a country of many contasts.對比鮮明的國家
whole food(s) (不含人工添加劑的)全天然食品,全營養食品
a study’s subjects
subject is a way that we talk about people in studies, especially when it has to do with scientic research
to prove vs. establish
study just suggest
prove is more stronger
to sum up
sound engineer音響工程師
what are some natural sweetners?
maple syrup
monk fruit羅漢果
stevia 甜菊是一種天然的甜味劑和糖替代品,源自巴西和巴拉圭原產的甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana)植物的葉子。活性化合物是甜菊醇糖苷,其具有糖的甜度的約50至300倍,是熱穩定的,pH穩定的且不可發酵的。人體不會代謝甜葉菊中的糖苷,因此其作為非營養性甜味劑的熱量為零。