字典單字從哪來?How Words Get into Dictionaries
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結果就是:超過二十個最初於韓國使用的字詞獲得增錄;其中包括意譯的「韓流」Korean wave以及音譯的「韓流」 Hallyu,道破一切。
《韋伯字典》則出現四百五十五個近來新增的字詞,包括dad bod-指一種典型的中年老爹體型。
此外還有digital nomad,意指透過網路在任何地方從事工作的人。
意思是“持有”,後來成為了一個反面,“堅持生活。” 它可能是最受歡迎的加密貨幣術語,起初是一個簡單的拼寫錯誤
Many recently added words have come from electronic files, the pandemic, pop culture and politics. The OED has added many new English words from Korea recently. Korea, originally spelled Corea, has been used as the country's place name since the 17th century. In 1999 "K-pop" surfaced in Billboard Magazine and in 2016 was added to the OED. Then interest in South Korean pop culture took off internationally. "K-drama" began being used. The K- phenomenon continued as “K-beauty," "K-culture," "K-style" and other K-words found their way into OED.
Additionally, Konglish, a mixture of Korean and English, appeared along with food words. The result: over 20 words that originally began in Korea were added. Those include "Korean wave" and "Hallyu," which say it all.
From Merriam-Webster we have 455 recently added words including "dad bod" a typical middle-aged dad's body shape. Also added was "digital nomad," meaning someone who does their job over the internet from anywhere. Pandemic related words include "social distance,' "breakthrough," "vaccine passport" and "long COVID."
So many words. And there are more on the way!
dgital nomad
electroni 電子的;使用電子器件的
Electronic banking is much more convenient than the traditional method.電子銀行比傳統銀行方便多了
Do you prefer to read paper books or elecltronic book?
David likes his electronic keyboard as much as hi likes his upright piano.喜歡電子琴也喜歡直立式鋼琴.
politics 政治或政治活動
Anna has always been interested in politics, so it is no surpricse that she is running for a political office.對政治有興趣,競選政治之位也不意外
Even though she liked it, Simone quit her job because of office politics.辦公室政治
politiccal 政治的
How many political parties are there in Chile? 政黨
pandemic(大範圍) vs. epidemic(小區域)
epidemic happens in an are, whereas the pandemic affects the whole world
pop culture
popular culture
what’s popular or trendy right now
to surface
means it started to be seen and heard in pop culture. So the idea was that it was deep in there somewhere, but now it’s starting to surface.
to take off
if something takes off like this, that means it suddenly starts to experience success.
doom danger or destruction
scrolling spend much time checking online bews and reading negative news stories
Many people could not stop doomscrolling during the pandemic.
additionally (adv.)此外;附加地
These apartments come with a dishwasher and additionally offer a washer and dryer in the unit. 附有
With all of the steak dinners, appetizers and dessert can be ordered additionally. 額外加點開胃菜和甜點
addition (n.)增加;加添
The addition of the coffee shop on the first floor will make this office building very attractive. 在一樓增加咖啡廳
originally (adv.)原本;起初
Alan’s family originally came from Greece.
What was the building originally used for? 起初的用途
Originally Julia agreed to work overtime, but then she changed her mind.
(n.)+say(s)it all
Means that it expresses completely without words.
Old wity wall
Inwang Mountain
free museums
gwangjang market
ganjang gejang (kahn-jang keh-jang)醬油蟹,韓國五大名菜之一,將未經烹調的生蟹放在醬油中醃製而成,當地民眾喜愛直接將白飯加進蟹蓋內與蟹黃一起伴吃,故這道菜色又名「偷飯賊」。 朝鮮傳統醫學認為螃蟹性寒,有助驅除春溫,醬油蟹於山林經濟、閨閤叢書、是議全書等李氏朝鮮時期的典籍中有所記載。 追源中國蟹醬,這種吃法起源很早,在《周禮》上早有記載。