
機器終將取代人類?! Will Machines Replace Humans?

淺談職場機器人的未來走向 The risks and reward of robots in the workplace










 New discoveries in the fields of engineering, robotics and artificial intelligence (Al) are enabling machines to do things they could never do before. But some people are raising the alarm about the implications of these discoveries for human beings. As robots begin to do tasks once done by human workers, will humans lose their jobs?

More importantly, will people begin tovalue machines more than humans?

 To the first question, the answer is clearly "yes." The International Monetary Fund

predicts that a variety of jobs are at riskof being automated in the coming years. These include data entry, factory work, some sales jobs and more. This is because robots have some strengths that humans do not possess. They can process data more quickly and accurately than humans can without getting tired or distracted.

 However, robots also have limitations -and these limitations mean it is not likely

that they will ever make humans obsolete. Most importantly, robots can only do what they are programmed to do, which makes it difficult for them to respond to situations that come out of left field. They lack the versatility of humans, who can draw on skills and life experiences to make quick decisions.


implication n.)可能的影響;可能的後果

I don’t think Audrey realizes what the implications of her behavior are. 行為可能的後果

The refusal of the U.S. to send diplomats to the global conference has far reaching implications. 深遠的影響

implication 牽連;涉及

The implication of the neighbors in the robbery of the Smith's house is interesting.



How many people will lose their job when this factory is automated?

The process of mass production was brought about when the Ford car plant was automated. 量產的方式

If they automate that packaging factory, the owners could cut their coste in half.


precursor  n.)前導;先驅;前輩;前兆

high risk, high reward

bots robots的非正式說法)

to raise the alarm


means you see something unethical happening, by specific individuals around you, or you know that it’s happening, and you know that other people know as wel, but they are not saying anything. However you are the one that step out and say something, and you are the whistle-blower.

replaceable vs. irresplaceable

to place value on +n.

at risk

react/ respond



Respond, don’t react.




All of the army’s weapons have been obsolete for many years.過時多年

With such a quick advance in technology, phones seem to become obsolete overnight.

As new words are added to a language, other words become obsolete.




Tom Hank is an extremely versatile actor as can be seen by his roles in both comdedies and dramas.多才多藝的演員

Chef Craig Claiborne once said that tomatoes have the greatest versatility of any food.

Daisy's versatility ensures her value in the business world.





easily distracted/ highly distractible


to come out of left field出乎意料

字面上的意思是「來自左外野」,但實際上,這個片語的意思是指「出乎意料之外」。雖然這個片語的確切出處不明,但學者大致上都可以同意一定是出自棒球,而且最早大概從19世紀晚期到20世紀初期開始被使用。目前比較常見的解釋有兩種,第一派說法認為 "out of left field" 會代表「出乎意料」是因為球場上左外野離一壘最遠,所以如果打者把球擊向左外野,最後卻還是在抵達一壘之前被刺殺出局的話,那就真的很令人意外。第二個說法,則是說在跑者要從三壘回到本壘得分時,球如果是從左外野傳來,那麼跑者就會完全無法看到飛進本壘的球,最後跑者可能就會不明不白、出乎意料地被觸殺。(來自網路資源)


decision fatique



on the ball機警,機靈,往往形容一個人對事物反應迅速

means you are really attentive and knowledgeable

to touch base


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