建築保持涼爽?Scientific ways to keep buildings cool
自有科學妙招!隨著 氣溫飆升,電費也經常暴增;這是因為一般人都習慣在漫長炎熱的夏天把冷氣開大。
As temperatures soar, electric bills often go through the roof. That's because people tend to crank up their air conditioners during the long, hot summer months.
It's been predicted that by 2050 about 75 percent of the world's homes could have air conditioners. If that's true, the energy required to cool buildings will triple. For that reason, researchers continue to look for solutions to keep air-conditioner usage to a minimum.
Some innovations are being used already or are in the process of being developed.
Certain building materials can feel cooler because of their ability to absorb heat and release it slowly. As a result, buildings made of materials like stone, bricks or concrete often feel cooler during the day.
Other buildings use water cooling systems with sprayers, etc., to create evaporation in towers or walls to cool them. Water typically absorbs heat, evaporates and pushes cool air down as it rises. This principle, when applied to water cooling systems, helps bring inside temperatures down.
These aren't the only methods. Science has a few more tricks up its sleeve.
In 1900 John Watkins predicted the invention of the television.
It has been predicted that within 100 years we will be able to control the weather.
The prediction that we will be able to control the weather within the next 100 years remains to be seen. 有待觀察
The value of their house has tripled in the last four years.
The company my friend works for tripled in size last year. 公司規模擴展三倍
Josh makes triple the amount of money that Ben makes.
scientific method
scientific calculator
There is such a thing called scientism, which is the idea that you can refer to science for all of the answers that we need
to soar
the level is raising very quickly.
to go through the roof
means to raise to a very high level
also means become very angry or super angry
to crank up (the AC)
only 8% of people living in the hottest places have AC
temperature drop 氣溫驟降
There is going to be a temperature drop next week.
Because it has been so dry, the ground absorbed the rain quickly.
It is hard to absorb everything the professor is saying as his information is all so new.
be absorbed in something 全神貫注於某事
It was hard to get Julia’s attention because she was so absorbed in her book.
Most of the water in the pond behind our house evaporates by the middle of summer.
Fran’s courage evaporated when she got ready to jump out of the plane. 勇氣就消失了
The water will evaporate as soon as you get it hot enough to turn it into steam.
concrete vs. abstract
to have trick up one’s sleeve 暗中留有一招;藏有錦囊妙計
That means there are some more unknown things that we have yet to discover, but science is maybe discovering those for us.