探尋夢境虛實之間的奧祕 The mystery of our nighttime experiences
Nearly everyone dreams though we might not remember the content of our dreams. Yet this universal experience remains mysterious - we know how dreams occur, but we do not know their purpose or the meanings of their imagery. Sleep consists of a cycle, which is repeated multiple times throughout the night. The cycle has four stages, three of which are classified as non-REM (non-rapid eye movement). The fourth stage is known as the REM (rapid eye movement) stage, and dreams occur most often in this stage.
Scientists believe that the brainstem causes us to go into REM sleep but that dreams originate in the middle part of our brains.
They determined this by observing people with injuries to these parts of the brain. During REM sleep, several neurotransmitters become more or less prominent, which may be why dreams seem so bizarre compared to waking life.
Experts have proposed a variety of theories about the purpose of dreams. Some say that they help us store and analyze our memories. Sleep is known to help with recollection in that we're more likely to remember new information after we’ve slept than before. And dreams may play a role in bringing that about.
imagery (n. )用文字或圖片描述出來的意象或形象
The visual imagery in Pauline’s dreams make them seem very real.
The picture really portrays the imagery of two people in love. 真實描繪兩人相愛的景象
The imagery the writer uses in her descriptions of people helps the readers visualize them. 作者用的圖像可以幫助讀者的想像
originate (v. )起源;發源
Where did the idea to barbecue at the Mid-Autumn Festival originate?
Johnny’s wealth originated with the founding of his father’s company.
This city originated as a silver mining town in the late 1800s.
nocturnal 夜行性
And there are some nocturnal animals, that is, animals that are more active during the night, um, than they are during the day
夜行性生物於日間休息,在晚間活躍,與我們所熟悉的日行性行為不同,也有介乎兩者之間,於黃昏時期出沒的生活習性。晝伏夜出的習性是生態位分化的表現,不過並不以資源的多寡來決定,而是根據睡眠時間而定。 避開日間猛烈的陽光也可以是生物選擇夜行性的因素,特別是在沙漠生活的生物,就會為了減少散失身體的水份而選擇於晚間活動。
I think of animals that are walking around at night because when I grew up in the country, I didn't often like to go outside after sundown because the nocturnal animals did make me
a little nervous.
Night Safari, Singapore
Flying squirrels
Where did the idea to barbecue at the Mid-Autumn Festival originate?
it's referring to something that is experienced by people all around the world.
Do dreams have meaning?
it's referring to something that is experienced by people all around the world.
circadian rhythm
晝夜節律又稱日夜節律、概日節律、日變週期、生理時鐘,是一種生理現象,以內源性、持續的,呈現以約24小時為週期的變動;由日變時鐘所驅動。包括植物、動物、真菌等,都被觀察到有類似生理變化。英語 circadian 源自拉丁語 circa,為大約、大概的意思;拉丁語 diem 是一天、一日之意。it's referring to something that is experienced by people all around the world.
stage vs. step
When you have steps to something, you're doing things in a specific order, usually following a list.
rapid eye movement stage
brain injury / damage
Now "injuries to different parts of your brain" is kind of a long way to say that someone has a brain injury or brain damage
brainiac 聰明到太瘋狂;聰明而勤奮的人;超天才【brain /maniac】
means an exceptionally intelligent person. We use this word to describe extremely
intelligent people like Albert Einstein or Elon Musk.
He is a brainiac. 用來形容愛因斯坦、瑪斯克等人
Where did the idea to barbecue at the Mid-Autumn Festival originat
recollection (n. )記憶力;記性
Do you have any recollection of where you parked your car?
Theo has no recollection of the teacher giving that assignment because he was talking when she did so. 不記得
What are your earliest recollections of your parents
bring about 帶來;導致;產生
The company’s new president brought about huge changes. 新總裁帶來巨大變化
The poor economy is bringing about job loss and poverty for many . 經濟不景氣
bring about 轉向相反方向
You need to bring the boat before we crash onto the shore. 在撞上案之前,要把船轉向
neurotransmitters 神經傳導物質
During REM sleep, several neurotransmitters become more or less prominent, which may be why dreams seem so bizarre compared to waking life
神經傳導物質又稱神經傳遞質、傳遞質,是由神經元分泌的信號分子,可通過突觸影響另一個細胞;此接收信號的細胞可為另一個神經元、腺體、肌細胞。 神經傳遞質在神經、肌肉和感覺系統的各個角落都有分布,是動物的正常生理功能的重要一環。截止1998年,在大腦內大約有45種不同的神經傳遞質已被確認。
=really crazy = weird = strange
outlandish 異國風格的;古怪的
waking life
to get a good night’s sleep
means you get enough sleep so that you can function properly the next day
when do you lose sleep
means you get enough sleep so that you can function properly the next day