高人氣又慷慨的YouTube網紅 One of the most popular and generous YouTube stars
MrBeast's early videos involved video games such as Minecraft. But eventually he moved on to stunts, which at first were tedious but not difficult or dangerous.
One example is when he counted to 100,000, and another example is when he read every word in a dictionary. MrBeast's stunts have increased in cost and complexity, and the videos have become more popular. They include
buying massive amounts of products and paying people to do crazy things. In one
video, he offers a house as a prize. This is possible in part because companies sponsor MrBeast so he will promote their products.
MrBeast is also generous with the money he earns from his videos. He donates not only to individuals but also to causes. For example, he gave US$10,000 to homeless people in his city. And in 2019 he started a campaign to raise US$20 million so the Arbor Day Foundation could plant 20 million trees.
Two years later he started a US$30 million campaign to clean up trash in the ocean.
MrBeast's videos have made him one of the world's most popular social media stars.
sutnt (n.)電影中的特技動作
Jackie Chan is known for doing his own stunts.
pull a stunt 耍花招;逞強
Simon told Caden that if he ever pulled stunt tnts like that again, he wouldn’t help him. 玩命
sutnt (v.)阻礙某物正常生長
She stunted the plant's growth by keeping it in a dark room. 放在幽暗的房間裡防止生長
complexity (n.)錯綜複雜;複雜性
The professor explained the complexity of the math problem in such a way that everyone could understand it.
There are many complexities in people’s relationships.
The complexity of the disease is still not fully understood by doctors. 對疾病的複雜性無法充分了解
to move on to +(n.)
But in our lesson this is going from one thing in your life, maybe you got used to doing things a certain way, you had a routine or a certain style of something that you were doing, and now you're doing something different.
tedious 乏味
if something is , maybe it’s not difficult, it’s not hard work, but it could be too long or slow or really boring to do.
massive amount
there’s a lot of it
a huge something
million-dollar question 相當重要又關鍵的問題
That’s the million-dollar question , isn’t it?
晚餐吃甚麼也可以用million-dollar question
campaign (n.)為特定目標發起的活動;軍事、政治、商業、環保的議題
Charlotte has started a campaign to save the turtles in this lake.
Their group launched a campaign to end pollution by the factory.
campaign (v.)
Their group is campaigning to end pollution that factory is causing.
clean up (ph v.)清除;打掃乾慶
Their group is campaigning to end pollution that factory is causing.
The government agreed to clean up the rivers and lakes in the southern part of the country.
The kids need to clean up for dinner.
When I was going up, all of us kids had to clean up our rooms before we could go anywhere.
weekly review
to take time vs. make time
to go rival
Sometimes something is not necessarily hard or difficult to do,
but it just requires a lot of time, and you might find it boring,
and, ah, you just don't really want to do it because it is kind of
tedious work
signature vs. autograph
to come to one’s senses