簡單調整居家環境,讓身心更加舒暢 Adjusting your sorroundings can make you feel better
清除雜物 承認吧:維持乾淨的生活空間並不容易。
cleanliness is next to godliness 身體清潔就是對上帝的虔誠
cleanliness is the idea of being and keeping clean
and godliness is the idea of wanting to obey or respect God.
personal hygiene
Let's all admit it: We have trouble keeping our space clean. Somehow stuff just tends to pile up. But this problem involves more than just aesthetics. It doesn't just look terrible; it makes you feel 25 terrible. A cluttered room both reveals stress and causes stress. Disorder can indicate that you're too busy to keep things tidy, but then looking at a mess can lead to more stress. Straightening up doesn't have to take all day - just take 10 or 15 minutes and put a few things away. You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel.
Choose colors wisely
The color palette of your environment does more than passively reflect your
color preferences. It also has an active influence on your mood and even your
mental health. Choosing colors that create a calm atmosphere can be a type
of therapy.
The sky is the limit to ways you can make your environment conducive to good mental health. You could put up photos of your family and friends or post encouraging notes from people that show how much they love you. Just remember:
Your surroundings can make your "home sweet home" even sweeter.
clutter (v.)塞滿;亂堆
Milo’s desk is so cluttered with stuff that he can’t find anything on it. 堆滿東西
The walls in Eleanor’s bedroom were cluttered with prints and pictures of movie stars.
clutter (n.)雜亂的東西
There is so much clutter in the house that we can hardly find a place to sit down.
lead to (ph v.)導致;引起
Not eating any food or vegetable led to Alan’s health problems.
lead to (ph v.)帶領;引導
That path over there leads us through the woods to a lake where we go fishing. 通往我們去釣魚的湖
The secretary led us down the hall to the director’s office.
to clutter up vs.declutter
That path over there led us through the woods to a lake where we go fishing. 通往
admit it
to pile up
accumulate a lot of things
straighten up / tidy up 整齊
it’s kind of means the same thing - make things nice and neat and tidy
spark joy 怦然心動;觸發
therapy (n.)治療;療法
Faith felt that therapy had done her a world of good.
Some new drug therapies have been developed to help treat cancer. 開發出來幫助治療癌症
After his accident, Scott received physical therapy for three month. 接受物理治療
conducive (adj.)有利的
Bob’s study habits are not conducive to getting good grades.
This weather is not conducive to any kind of outdoor activities. 不利於任何戶外活動
The professor created an atmosphere in his classroom that was very conducive to learning. 營造有利於學習的氛圍
passive vs. active
put things where they belong
your books on the shelves, your clothes in the closet, your papers in the files, your devices in the drawers
Does it still bring you joy?
your significant other
another word for partner
girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse