不用除草劑,就能擁有健康美麗的花園You can have a beautiful garden without damaging the environment
事實上, 使用除草劑會產生很多你意想不到的後果。
Have you ever had to weed a garden?
Gardens are some of the most beautiful places on earth. The sad reality of gardening is that weeds compete with the plants you want and take away from their beauty. As a result, weed control seems to be a never-ending part of sustaining the beauty of a garden. Most people try to find a quick and easy solution to the problem of weeds by using chemical weed killers, known as herbicides. Sometimes, though, a solution can cause even bigger problems.
So what big problems can chemical herbicides cause? Actually, using them can have quite a few unintended consequences.
As you might imagine, these toxic chemicals contaminate the environment. They effectively kill weeds, yes, but they can also kill other desirable plants and species such as earthworms, butterflies, frogs and even birds. Not only that, but herbicides pose significant health risks to humans, ranging from irritating your skin to even poisoning you. Water drainage, as a result of rain or watering methods, contains herbicides that can kill fish and other aquatic life and can poison our water supply. And did you know that repeated use of herbicides can make weeds resistant to their effects? But herbicide use isn't the only way to get rid of weeds.
take away from something 降低;減弱
The old car sitting in the yard takes away from the house’s beauty. 舊車讓美麗的房子大打折扣
The ugly sofa completely takes away from the loveliness of the room. 舊車讓美麗的
The little girl’s dirty face and clothes do not take away from how smart she is. 骯髒的臉孔無損他的聰明
sustain 維持;供養
Because it is not rich enough, this soil cannot sustain the people living in the area. 供養
The boring story did not sustain the children’s interest. 保持興趣
sustain 經歷、遭受破壞
The village sustained a lot of damage during the typhoon. 遭受嚴重災害
sad reality
It's something that, uh, you don't really want to talk about or maybe even acknowledge
herbicide 除草劑
So when they're talking about herbs... well, when we're talking about herbs, we don't have that H sound.
in the weed 陷入困難中【在野草堆中】
The project has been in the weeds for months. 困難重重的僵局當中
contaminate (v.)汙染
The factory contaminated the local drinking water by dumping chemicals into a nearby lake. 把含有化學物質的廢水排進到附近的湖裡 汙染了當地的飲用水
Japan’s Fukushima area was contaminated when its nuclear power plant was affected by flood waters. 福島地區 核電廠
contamination (n.)
The chemicals have caused serious contamination in the region’s lakes.
resistat (adj.)對····有抵抗力的;抗拒的
The virus is resistant to any medicine.
When Rob saw that his manager was resistant to any changes in the way things were done, he found a different job.
water-resistat (adj.)防水的
My watch is water-resistant so it wasn’t harmed when I dropped it in the bathtub.
as you might imagine…
to post a risk /threat
invasive species pose a threat to the
maple trees 楓樹
tropical country 熱帶的
Have you ever done a detox before?
detox 排毒
a detox diet 節制性飲食
If something is anti-inflammatory, it means that it reduces swelling in your body, or it doesn't let things that cause your body to retain water or swell up or your cells to multiply