

竭力為自己的人生塗上色彩This incredible artist is succeeding in spite of challenges













  In 1984, Burns moved to Taiwan where he studied Chinese art. From 1989 to 1990, he worked as a teacher at Studio Classroom. Over the years, Burns had many interesting jobs. But it wasn't until he returned to art that he truly felt fulfilled.

 He went back to school and completed a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in 1999. Then, working as a full-time artist, he began traveling the world, painting and exhibiting his work.

Burns uses his art to inspire people of all ages. He has a special interest in disadvantaged children. 

Burns uses his art to inspire people of all ages. He has a special interest in disadvantaged children. He employs art classes and other methods to help them gain a new lease on life. The compassionate artist always challenges adults and kids to look within and make the most of the skills they do have. 

 Today Burns is recognized as a world-class athlete, an inspiring speaker and a notable artist. He has always aspired to excellence and encourages others to do

the same. He suggests everyone should "embrace and celebrate those things that

challenge" them.

Through his paintings, books and speeches, Burns reminds everyone that life is to be lived with joy and purpose.


fulfill (v.)實現;履行

When she lost the race, Lydia realized that her dream of being on the Olympic team would never be fulfilled.

Those students hoping to graduate this spring need to fulfill all of the graduation requirements.

Josie studied hard at art school to fulfill her dream of becoming a well-known artist. 

disadvantaged (adj.)身處弱勢的

Disadvantaged youth from all over the city participate in the summer program offered by this organization. 若是青年

The school provides breakfast and lunch to disadvantaged children.

disadvantage (n.)壞處;缺點

Our office had a discussion regarding both the advantages and the disadvantages of working from home.


over the years

This is another way of saying throughout time or throughout one's time here on earth

Life imitates art. 人生模仿藝術



make the most of (ph v.)充分利用

If I were Everett, I would try to make the most of my time at university.

Leah made the most of her talent by taking private voice lessons from a well-known coach.

Levi and Aaron made the most of their European trip and visited every famous place they could fit into their schedule.

embrace (v.)擁抱;欣然接受

If this company does not start embracing chance, we’re going to be out of business in a year.

Shirley warmly embraced her son when he came home from his first semester at college.

The two friends embraced when they ran into each other in the shopping mall.


to make the most of +(n.)

You have to make the most of the time you have to get projects done or get homework done, and make the most of the time you have with people you love and care about as well.


to employ a method

It means there is a very specific method that they are already thinking about that they're going to use, and they're going to use that to their advantage.

a new lease on life 

For example, maybe you live your life, and you don't really think too much about doing anything great or reaching any goals.

to look within

full-time / world-class


celebrate the things that challenge you


How do you live life to the fullest?

    創作者 咕咕愛囉嗦 的頭像


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