double down變本加厲、加倍
Companies are doubling down on their efforts in 5G.許多公司都在全力推動5G。
get away with僥倖逃脫(做壞事沒被抓到)
I get away with pranking my viewers on April Fools' Day.我在愚人節跟觀眾開玩笑都沒關係。
call the shots做決定
On a movie set, directors call all the shots.在電影片場,一切都是導演說了算。
Cut it out別鬧了(阻止某人做討人厭的行為)=stop doing that
Cut it out! I'm tired of your silly little jokes.不要鬧!我受夠了你的小玩笑。
throw sb. under the bus陷害某人
Peter threw me under the bus by telling the teacher it was my idea to sell his homework.Peter跟老師說賣作業是我的主意,這可把我害慘了。
on it我來做(I'm on it)
Don't worry about dinner, I'm on it.我來處理。
be all over it對某件事非常有興趣
If this drug cures cancer, drug companies would be all over it.藥廠一定都會搶著生產。
be in on sth參與計畫某件事(惡作劇、派對、生意)
I don't know who will be there because I wasn't in on planning the meeting.
stand up to sb.反抗/承受住
Will your car stand up to the long journey across the country?橫越整個國家
take sb's time慢慢來
took your time(帶有諷刺意味)你也太慢來了吧!
I've been waiting for an hour, you certainly took your time to get here.
pull no punches沒在手軟
As the election draws nearer, both candidates are pulling no punches.火力全開
under the weather不太舒服
Are you feeling alright? You look a bit under the weather?
go with the flow順水推舟、隨波逐流、順其自然
Stop working so hard! Relax, just go with the flow.
beat around the bush拐彎抹角
Don't beat around the bush, if oyu don't like my hat, just say so.
get wind of sth打聽到消息
How did our opponents get wind of our plans?
spill the beans洩漏秘密
Time to spill the beans, which one of you ate my sandwich?
two peas in a pod一模一樣
The twins are like two peas in a pod, thank god they have different haircuts.
butter sb. up拍馬屁
Butter up the clerk, he might give you a discount.
lose your touch能力下降
The movie was fantastic, it's good to see the director's not losing his touch.
spice things up 增添趣味
He spice up his speech with a musical performance.
wrap your head around sth搞懂某件事
Math is hard! I can't seem to wrap my head around how numbers work.
get sth off your chest一吐為快
I've been carrying that secret for months, so glad to get it off my chest.
get sth out of your system將負面情緒發洩出來
Tell her how you really feel, get it out of your system.有話要說出來
cut me some slack饒過我吧
Cut me some slack! I'm working my ass off here.忙不過來
draw the line不願意做某件事
I draw the line at feeding your pet spider.幫你餵蜘蛛有點太超過了
ring a bell有印象
Ray Du? No, never heard of hiim, doesn't ring a bell.沒印象聽過
go the extra mile不遺餘力
This hotel is always willing to go the extra mile for your happy stay.
jump on the bandwagon 跟風、蹭熱度
Ever since I had this haircut, more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon.
let sb. off the hook 放人一馬
Thanks for letting me off the hook, I really didn't want to meet your parents.
out of one's league配不上某人
She's totally out of his league.他完全配不上她。