Welcome to Taiwan
A: Hello, Mrs.Reed. I am Allen. Nice to meet you.
R: Nice to meet you, too.
A: This is my business card. I'd like to extend my cordial welcome to your visit.
R: Thank you. It really is a pleasure and great opportunity for me to be face to face with so many friends.
A: How was your flight. Mrs.Reed?
R: Well, I'm trying to conquer the annoying problem of jet lag.
A: It was a long distance flight, though.
R: It sure was. But I'll get used to it. Oh, you can call me, FLORA. I'd prefer that. Mrs.Reed is too formal.
A: Okay, FLORA. Is your suite okay?
R: Oh, yes. It's pretty good, thanks. I do love the view of the institute at night. It's wonderful and it really takes my breath away. Also, the climate is very pleasant here.
A: Yes, it's usually pleasant here in the morning. By the way, have you visited the night market yet?
R: Not yet. But I would have preferred to see more of the museums and some ancient famous buildings
A: Great. I'll be happy to be your tour guide within the next couple of days.
R: That would be very nice. Thank you so much.
A : My pleasure.
cordial (adj.)熱忱的,友好的;衷心的;真摯的;強心的,刺激的
pleasant (adj.)令人愉快的;舒適的;討人喜歡的;和藹可親的
Giving a briefing
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
I am truly grateful and pleased to have been invited to address at the dinner banquet of Regional Civil Service Development Institute.
I know how much you have on your plates and I'd like to thank you all to take time from your tight schedules to participate the fabulous dinner banquet.在百忙之中抽空參加
Here's a great quote I got from my wife before I came to this event. She said, quote" The greater the appreciation, the shorter the speech should be."
Well, without further ado, I'd better start off my presentation.
Because your eyes are telling me you have all your full attention and all ears now.
have a lot on one’s plate 要操心、應付的事情很多
ado (n.)紛擾,騷擾;忙亂;麻煩,費力
without further ado廢話少說、二話不說
start off開始
At the convenience store
A: Do you have bath towel?
C: Yes. That's on Aisle 5.
A: I need to buy a bottle of milk. Can you tell me where can I get it?
C: It's on Aisle 7, the dairy section.
A: Thanks. And, do you have G-Tex razor?
C: I am sorry. We don't carry that brand.
A: I am looking for something instant noodles. Can you tell me where they are?
C: They are right on the fourth corner.
A: Thanks.
A: Can you tell me how much is this photo frame?
C: It's NT$150 dollars.
A: Wow, it's a steal. I just have to have it.
C: Will that be all for today?
A: Yes.
C: They are NT$550 dollars all together. Would you like to pay cash, or charge it to your credit card?
A: I don't have much cash left. I'll pay by credit card.
razor (n.)刮鬍刀;剃刀
daily [ˈdeɪli] 是day把y改i再加ly變成的形容詞,是每日的、日常的意思,daily還可以作為副詞,表示每日、逐日、日復一日。
例如:Our daily turnover is about 10,000 yuan. 我們每天的營業額是10000元。daily還可以作為名詞,表示日報,例如:China Daily意思是「中國日報」。
dairy [ˈdeəri] 可以作為名詞,表示牛奶場、乳品店的意思,也可以作為形容詞表示牛奶的、乳品的意思。
1. I buy milk at the dairy every morning. 我每天早上在乳品店買牛奶。
2. Dairy products can provide people with enough protein. 奶製品可以給人們提供足夠的蛋白質。
diary [ˈdaɪəri] 日記
1. When I was 10 years old, I began to keep a diary. 我10歲時開始寫日記。
2. She took out her diary from the drawer. 她從抽屜拿出日記。
it's a steal很便宜、物美價廉
At the post office
P: Good morning. Anything I can do for you?
A: Yes. I want to mail this package.
P: Where's it going?
A: The United States.
P: How do you want to send your package?
A: By air, please.
P: Do you want to send it by special delivery or by regular?限時專送或一般航空
A: How long does it take by special delivery?
P: It will take about 3 days. It's about a week by regular.
A: Special delivery. Thank you.
At the restaurant
W: I am hungry. I could eat a horse.
A: Same to me. What do you want to eat?
W: How about hot dog or hamburger?
A: No, I am really sick of junk food. We can try something new.
W: We could try the new Italian restaurant or would you rather go to the sushi?
A: I don't feel like sushi today, let's have Italian food. How about that?
W: Okay. Let's move
WA: Are you ready to order?
A: Yes, I'd like a codfish sandwich, please.
WA: How about you?
W: I'd like spaghetti and a bowl of crab soup.
WA: Would you care for the dessert?
A: I'd like the cheesecake, please.
W: I would too.
WA: Very well, sirs. I'll be right back in a few minutes.
W: That was a fantastic meal.
A: It sure was.
WA: I hope everything was satisfactory, sirs.
A: Yes, it was very delicious.
WA: Thank you.
May I ask who’s calling
R: Fortune Star Entertainment Enterprise, good morning.
A: Morning, is Carl there?
R: May I ask who is calling?
A: Yes. This is ALLEN.
R: Hold on, I'll put you through to his office.
A: Thanks.
C: Hello?
A: Hi, Carl. It's me, ALLEN.
C: Hello, ALLEN. What’s up?
A: I was wondering if you would like to invite Kathy and Joy for dinner on weekends.
C: I think it'd be a good idea. I haven't seen them for ages.
A: How would this Friday or Saturday be?
C: Saturday would be better for me. Any idea where will we be going for dinner?
A: I thought we could try that new restaurant on the 5th avenue.
C: It sounds great.
A: I'll call Kathy. See you around.
C. See you.
He is meeting now
R: Regional Civil Service Development Institute, good morning.
A: Good morning, is Kathy there, please?
R: Kathy is in a meeting now. May I ask who's calling?
A: Yes, this is ALLEN.
R: Would you like to leave the message?
A: That would be fine.
R: Can I have your name and phone number, please?
A: Yes, this is ALLEN. I am at 765-0001.
R: I'll tell her you had called when she backs in.
A: Thank you so much.
R: You are welcome.
A table for four
K: Hello?
A: Hi, Kathy. This is ALLEN. How are you?
K: ALLEN! Hi! I am doing well. What's up? I haven't seen you for so long.
A: Yeah. I've just been so busy with my advertising projects. Say, are you and Joy busy on this Saturday night?
K: Let's see. Nope, both of Joy and I are free on this Saturday night. Do you have any particular plan?
A: Carl and I would like to invite you to the new Chinese restaurant on the 5m for dinner.
K : Oh wow, that sounds great. I can't wait.
A: Okay. Let's meet at 6:00 P.M on this Saturday night. Carl and I will pick you up.
K: We'll be ready and go.
A: Bye then.
H: Hunan restaurant. May I help you?
A: I'd like to make a for Saturday at 6:30 P.M.
H: No problem, for how many people?
A: Four.
H: Yes, we can take care of you. May I have your name, please?
A: My name is ALLEN.
H: And your phone number?
A: 765-0001
H: I'll hold the table for you, ALLEN. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
A: Thank you.
Shooting the breeze on the job
M: Hello, Allen, what's new? Are you happy with the new working environment?
A: Well, I am feeling really boxed in at work right now.
M: What happened?
A: My supervisor called me into her office and told me off today. She said I was gossiping about other co-workers on the clock.
M: Oh, boy. Did you get any punishment.
A: No. I didn't. She told me that she'd let it slide this time. If I make the same mistake again:; she'll give me a warning letter.
M: It's fine to have a small talk with colleagues to get us through a day of hard work. But you should be doing that on your own time.
A. I'd better start putting my nose to the grindstone from now on.
shooting the breeze閒聊;閒談
box in被困住的;被堵住的, 受限制的
told me off被責備
on the clock上班時間
let it slide算了;讓它去,先不管
putting my nose to the grindstone 埋頭苦幹;認真工作
Have you seen my documents?
A: Sophie, could you come here for a moment?
S: Sure. What's up?
A: I feel frustrated. I simply can't find my APAC conference documents. I need to finish the report by 5:30 P.M tomorrow.
S: Don't be frustrated. Let's see what I can help.
A: It's weird. They ought to be here on my drawer, but they are not.
S: ALLEN, you have to clean up your desk. And you should have a better system for filing papers. The clutter kept you from thinking.
A: I agree. I always function best when things are orderly, but I was only hired few days ago.
S: Are these the documents you looking for?
A: Thank you. You've been very helpful.
S: It was nothing at all. I will scratch your back if you scratch mine.
A: Oh. my goodness.
S. Now what?
A: Look at these documents. There are some coffee stains. Gosh, now I have to work all night to get everything done.
I will scratch your back if you scratch mine.互相幫忙(魚幫水, 水幫魚)
M: As I mentioned on our last conference, we have to brainstorm to see how we can go about finding more potential clients to make our company more profitable within the next few months.
A: I think we have to make a good game plan and create a new marketing campaign for the new product.
M: I agree. We have to make the sales rebound after next season, or our business will go belly up.
A: In the long run. I think we should take some drastic actions right away. It is a very competitive business world that its sink or swim.
M: You just took the words right out of my mouth.
game plan戰略計畫
game plan行銷策略
belly up破產;失敗;喝西北風
sink or swim成敗全靠自己(不是成功就是失敗)
You just took the words right out of my mouth.我同意
A: I believe our product will be tremendously successful if we can make headway toward finding a joint venture for a good campaign.
M: Well, I got another meeting to go to right now. Would it possible for you to meet with me again? I am very interested in hearing more about your brilliant ideas.
A: Sure, I'd be happy to. Did you have a particular date in mind?
M: How about next Tuesday, at ten in the morning.
A: Sounds great. I'll mark my calendar.
tremendously successful大放異彩
Good evening, welcome to KCWA FM200, I am. DJ Cool. It's time again for the contest. I have some giveaways sponsored by WMB. Don't hesitate. Call now: 049-2332131. You'll have chance to win two free round-trip tickets to Hong Kong. We have a lot of calls on waiting. Let's take the first caller.
C: Hello, KCWA.
A: Hello, DJ Cool.
C: Hi. What's your name?
A : My name is Alice.
C: Hi, Alice. Where do you live? And, what do you do?
A : I live in Taipei. I am a high school student.
C: Alice. You know how to play the radio game, the screaming contest, aren't you?
A: Yes.
C: First. You have to answer my question. Please tell me what's your favorite radio station?
A: My favorite radio station is KCWA.EM200.
C: Good job. Alice. Are you ready to the contest?
A: Yes. I am ready.
Ci l am going to count to three, one two. three.
A :Ah (screaming)
screaming contest驚聲尖叫遊戲
Weather reports
The following weather and traffic report program is sponsored by BIM Computer Company. The lightest laptop comes with the heaviest multi-functional system.
Good morning. It's 10minutes after 8 o'clock, Time now again is KCWA FM200 official weather report for Taiwan. Due to the first front of this year's plum rain season started to Taiwan last Friday and is expected to bring wet weather to most parts of Taiwan for up to a week, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said.
CWB meteorologist said that today on the outlying islands of Penghu and Kinmen are mostly sunny and pleasant; people can go out to catch some rays. But it will be turning cloudy tomorrow with a chance of thundershowers. Please watch out the thunder and lighting in the mountains. Don’t forget to take the necessary precautions against possible lighting in these areas. For the further weather formation please go to the website of CWB. This is KCWA news team. I am Allen. Thanks for your listening.
plum rain season梅雨季
outlying islands離島
catch some rays享受陽光;曬曬太陽
Traffic reports
Good evening. Time now is KCWA traffic report. Firstly let's take a look at the traffic condition in Chung Shan highway. Due to the 5 consecutive vacations begin on tomorrow and hit the rush hour,traffic is terribly congested with a lot of slow-and-go
from the section of Taipei to Linco. It is bumper-to-bumper everywhere as you are approaching the commercial district on Jen-Kou overpass to Shih-Lin. Please don't have a nervous breakdown when you're approaching this jam section. On the exit 259 of southbound land, there is a little fender-bender that suddenly caused complete stop. Please drive slowly when you passed the traffic accident and don’t rubberneck. This is Allen for KCWA traffic report.
hit the rush hour碰上尖峰時間
have a nervous breakdown失控;精神崩潰
She is such a brown-noser
N: Did you hear the latest dirt in the office?
A: No, what is it? Someone the big wig will jump ship?
N: Nope. It's about Jessica. According to gossip, Jessica was pretending so affable in a conference room to Mr. Jackson in front of the people.
A: Yeah, I heard about the same thing. I think she was trying to get promoted by buttering up her boss.
N: That's really turned me off. She really gives me the creeps.
A: Tell me about it. She is good at groveling those big wigs.
N: I just don't get it why the brownnoser always can get ahead.
A: That’s the way the cookie crumbles.
big wig重要人物(wig假髮)
jump ship跳槽
butter up阿諛奉承;拍馬屁
turned me off倒胃口
gives me the creeps噁心;(指恐懼或憎惡)毛骨悚然, 汗毛直豎, 起雞皮疙瘩
tell me about it沒錯;可不是嗎
get ahead升遷;取得進展;成功
That’s the way the cookie crumbles無法改變的事;人生本來就是這麼回事;生米煮成熟飯(餅乾掉到地上就會碎掉)
I am nervous wreck
N: Hi, ALLEN. It's Saturday. What are you doing home today?
A: I am busy working on the project for upcoming APAC conference.
N: Oh. my, no wonder you look like you are at the death’s door.
A: Well, actually I've really been swamped at work lately.
N: Look, you've been working your tail off recently. You need to do something to get out of the house and get some exercise. What do you think we go for a hiking g and rock climbing?
A: Hiking and rock climbing? No way. I've got a stack of papers on my desk. Beside, I’ll be conducting a presentation in front of foreign guests next Friday. It really gives me butterflies in my stomach. know I am a nervous
N: No wonder you are not happy at all.
at the death’s door快要死掉的樣子;病入膏肓
be swamped with(ph.)陷入…,忙於應酬…,對…接應不暇
work your tail off認真努力(指某人很努力地去做某事,做到尾巴都掉了)
butterflies in my stomach七上八下
I am stressed out
M: ALLEN, how are things going? I haven't seen you in ages.
A: I am always as busy as a bee everyday.
M: I think that you have a lot on your plate, haven't you?
A: You can say that again. I am stressed out. Everyone wanted a piece of my day, and I was working around the clock to get everything done.
M: ALLEN, you need to get out of this cubicle farm and take a vacation to recharge your batteries.
A: You're right. Then there would be an even bigger pile of work waiting for me when I've got back from vacation.
around the clock日以繼夜;不眠不休
Everyone wanted a piece of my day每個人都像要我的命一樣
cubicle farm大辦公區里好多格子間(cubicle)
M: Have you asked your boss for giving you a raise?
A: No way. My company is not going well and I keep hearing rumors about more downsize in other divisions.
M: Why don't you find another new job? You don't have to put up with this dead-end job anymore.
A: I've been unemployment before and I couldn't find a new job for months. It's really a no laughing matter to lose my job again. I can't afford it.
M: Exactly. It's difficult to have a job and raise two children at the same time at these days.
put up with sth/sb忍受
dead-end job沒有前途的工作,沒出息的工作
dead end死路, 困境,絕境
no laughing matter不是鬧著玩的;不能開玩笑的