

The next sensation in kids science shows offers some surprises and a lot of fun













Muppet babies




leave out把東西留在外面

Please don't leave any food out on the table because the flies have been terrible lately.


leave out被忽略或冷落

Shirley felt left out when several of her friends went shopping together and didn't invite her.

leave out省略

When telling the story, Naomi left out the part about when she got caught lying.


bring about引起;產生

The managers have been discussing how to bring about change in people's work attitudes.

Scientists say that continuing to cut down trees at the present rate will bring about global warming sooner than later. 遲早;總有一天

What brought about the government's policy changes?



If something is a sensation, it is interesting, it is fun.

You learn about it, and you want to watch it, especially if it's a TV show.

People are talking about it.

We could refer to people as sensations as well.

If there is a celebrity that has sudden... or some person who has suddenly become popular, or maybe someone has produced something that has become popular around the world, a lot of people are talking about it, that is a sensation.


something very exciting or interesting, or something that causes great excitement or interest

Their affair caused a sensation.


The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic.


The show was an overnight sensation (= was very successful immediately).





She used to think, "It's boys who do all the fun stuff. And sometimes girls like me get a little left out."

And sometimes it felt like the boys got to do all the adventurous things like climb the climbers and roll down the hills, and sometimes we girls just kind of stood back and watched.

Well, fun stuff is the interesting things that you get to do or the exciting things that you get to do.

Now she has had a change of heart.

What does it mean if someone has a change of heart?

That means they used to think one way about something, but now they think differently.

Often this means t the opposite of the way they used to feel.


You might use it by saying Karen wanted to sell her car, but she had a change of heart at the last minute and decided not to sell her car.

I used to not like cilantro (香菜). But I've had a change of heart over the years, and now I've grown to like cilantro.


attitude of gratitude. 感恩的態度

You have a great attitude of gratitude. Your attitude is the way you think or feel about something.

And gratitude talks about being thankful. When you have gratitude in your heart, you show appreciation and kindness.



N*Gen, or Next Generation Television, takes a very 21st century approach to teaching science. The show combines colorful videos with great graphics, memorable songs, at-home experiments and more. It targets 7- to 12-year-olds.

Just a few of the topics they cover include space, the brain, digestion, robots and fossils.

One fun episode on food and digestion looks like a scene from the old movie Honey, I Shrunk the Kids親愛的,我把孩子縮小了. Thanks to technological advances, the presenters seem to shrink to the size of a bite of food. They then appear inside a body and follow the digestion journey from the mouth to the intestines.



The graphics Jerry designed for the show are very realistic寫實.

Forza Horizon 4 has some of the best computer graphics I have ever seen in a racing game.



Sherry wants to study graphic design after she graduates from high school.



Howard is the main presenter at this afternoon's meeting.



Bill's presentation on population growth and distribution was both interesting and informative.


The high school's presentation of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew was excellent.

a theatrical presentation of Othello 戲劇《奧賽羅》的上演


target audience


classic film


I shrank the kids.

I shrank vs. I have shrunk


The Magic School Bus.

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