












Childlike curiosity

Intellectual curiosity



Intellectual curiosity is an inclination to acquire knowledge. It is a mental attitude and a posture of active interest toward the world.

It is also more deliberate and focused than the unharnessed and occasionally dangerous curiosity of childhood.

When we were children, which of us learned the hard way that stoves are hot?

But instead of a painful lesson, investing time and energy into learning about a particular thing for a particular purpose reaps professional and relational rewards.

One study claims that a "hungry mind" is one of three top factors that influences academic performance.



When someone asks Jenny to do them a favor, her first inclination is to say yes, but she has learned to think before she answers.

My musical inclinations愛好 have led me to learn to play several instruments.

We should be basing our decisions on solid facts, not inclinations and hunches.



inclination of head低頭

When Mr. Sawyer saw the inclinations of many of the children's heads after lunch, he told them to sit back and rest for 15 minutes.

He gave an inclination of the head. 他點了點頭。



Developing good posture when you walk and sit is good for your back.



Several countries in that region developed defensive postures after the area was threatened with invasion.

Even though he is the head of a company, Hugh always adopts a humble posture around his parents.謙虛的態度



He enjoys posturing in front of an audience. 他喜歡在觀眾面前裝腔作勢


acquire knowledge= get knowledge


active/ positive






v.)給……上挽具;套(馬)[+to];治理,利用;控制,駕馭It's something that you can put on a horse to help the driver control the horse and tell the horse where to go.

unharnessed adj.)未利用的


to learn the hard way

This means that you discover what you need to know through experiences or by making mistakes. It's through negative experiences.

That's why we call it the hard way.

tell the truth


you reap what you sow

If you spend time investing in something or a relationship, you're going to harvest.

You're going to reap some rewards sometime in the future.


Curiosity killed the cat.


Intellectually curious people enjoy socializing more and show less aggression in conflicts.

Being curious about why others think and feel the way they do helps us empathize.

Cultivating intellectual curiosity helps us succeed professionally and also points

the way to a friendlier, more interesting world.



Because Leo is intellectually challenged, he attends some special classes in the afternoons. 智力上的障礙


Intellectually Grace knows that Ted is bad for her, but emotionally she still wants to be with him.


Warren is very intellectual, so he should have no problem understanding the professors' discussion on their philosophy of life.



Shannon found it hard to empathize with her sister when she failed her exam because Kara had not studied at all.



Because medicine involves the whole person, medical students take classes on how to be empathetic so they can better relate to their patients.

a kind and empathetic friend

programmes training doctors to be empathic



Shannon had no empathy for Kara when she found out her sister failed her exam because she hadn't studied.


to do more/ less for +(n.

Drinking water will do more for your health than drinking soda.

Riding your bike to work will do more for the environment than taking your car.


aggression n.侵略[U][+against];侵略行動;侵犯行為[C][+on/upon/against]

Now the idea of aggression is a kind of forcefulness堅強;有力.

It could be seen as kind of threatening behavior or words.

If you are a more curious person, you will show less aggression during real conflicts.



'When you cultivate something, you develop it or you acquire it.

I use the word "cultivate" when it comes to gardens.

They need to make sure that their plants are growing properly, they're cultivating a garden.


I love baking. So I'm very curious about the best things to bake or the best way to bake things.

But at the same time, I don't think I'm overly curious.

I don't have the drive to know everything.

And I think that's a good thing.

Sometimes if you're too curious about things, you can kind of go down a path that's not helpful.

There are times when I'm curious about things.

Although, I don't think that's one of my defining characteristics.

So one of my detining characteristics is that I am an enthusiastic person.

So, for example, I love to go scuba diving.

I am so enthusiastic about all of the creatures I get to see under the ocean.


So I'm enthusiastic and sometimes curious.


Personally, I get really curious about outer space.

I love learning about different stars and planets and questions like "How fast does

light travel? or "What is gravity?"


Are you a curious person?


to go down a rabbit trail

rabbit trail

Rabbits don't usually follow a straight line. They hop around in circles or zigzag around. When someone goes down a rabbit trail, it means that they aren't sticking to the topic, talking in a circle or talking about something totally unrelated to the conversation. Like the other day I was talking to my friend, and I asked him how school was going. He started going down a rabbit trail and telling me about the movie he saw last weekend. Have you been to the movies recently? It's been a long time since I've gone... All right, Manya ... you're doing it again. You're going down rabbit trails. We have a program to teach. Sorry. You're right. I need to stop going down rabbit trails and stick to finishing this lesson.

當有人講話偏離主題的時候,你可以用今天分享的用語 going down a rabbit trail來形容,rabbit trail代表兔子走的路線,如果你看過兔子走路的話,通常他們的路線不會是直的,而是跳過來、跳過去或是繞圈圈。 going down a rabbit trail就代表講話繞圈圈,沒有什麼重點。

You are going down a rabbit trail. 你現在已經偏離主題了。

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