雨果的祕密The Invention of Hugo Cabret
關乎一個男孩生存希望的祕密 A boy whose survival depends on secrets
小男孩雨果是個孤兒,住在法國一座火車站裡。 雨果的父親在一場大火中喪生,因此他只好到車站和叔叔住在一起。
fitness tracker
be on time
Hugo, a young orphaned boy, lives in a French train station. His father was killed in a fire, so Hugo went to live in the station with his uncle. They take care of the 27 clocks in the train station. When his uncle disappears, Hugo must take care of himself and the clocks. Before his father died in a fire, he was fixing an automaton, a wind-up mechanical man. Hugo found the automaton in the ashes of the fire and is trying to fix it using his father's notebook of drawings. He is certain tilt the automaton has a secret me age for him from his father.
To get the parts he needs, Hugo steals from a toy maker, Georges Melies, in the train station. One day Georges catches Hugo and takes everything in his pockets, including the notebook. Hugo demands that Georges give it back to him. Georges refuses and pretends to burn it. Georges insists that Hugo take a job fixing mechanical toys at his booth, and Hugo meets Isabelle, Georges' goddaughter. She tells Hugo that Georges didn't burn his notebook and steals it back for him.
We can all thank to Thomas Edison for the invention of the light bulb.感謝愛迪生發明電燈泡
Simone used a technique of her own invention to keep the curtains in place on the porch windows.用自己發明的小妙方把陽台上的窗簾固定好
The story Peter told us about being kidnapped in South America and then released was an invention of his imagination.想像虛構出來的
Joey loves to watch his mechanical monkey walk along the sidewalk beside him.
Joseph always uses a mechanical pencil to figure out math problems.自動鉛筆
Eleanor has given the same speech so many times that it comes across as mechanical now.
historical fiction歷史小說是一種文學體裁,其情節發生在過去的環境中。儘管該術語通常用作歷史小說的同義詞,但它也可以應用於其他類型的敘事,包括戲劇,歌劇,電影和電視,以及視頻遊戲和圖畫小說。歷史小說的一個基本要素是它設定在過去,並註意所描繪時期的舉止,社會狀況和其他細節。
orphaned boy
to take care of = to maintain + self
to look after + somebody
wind-up toy
keep it under your hat告訴你一個秘密,絕對不要說出去
I will tell you, but you keep it under your hat.【由來:魔術師會把鴿子藏在帽子裡】
Peter demanded that his brother return the iPad to him immediately
Mrs. Peavy demanded to know what the two boys in the back of the room were doing. 要求知道兩個男孩在房間後方做甚麼
Marion makes too many demands of her assistant, so people don’t stay in that job very long.留不住人
Nora always buys her fresh fruit at the first booth inside the market.
Caleb and Julia sat in a booth at the back of the restaurant because they didn't want people to see them.
When people vote, they usually go into a voting booth so everything is kept private.
to catch
to capture or to find and stop somebody or something who is trying to escape
The trap captured the rat, and then we took the rat outside.
Give it back!
to take a job
You are going to start doing a job or working somewhere.
You accept a job.
to offer vs. turn down a job
people watching