《空中英語教室》的故事 Stories of Studio Classroomtories of Studio Classroom
艾維斯:查經班學生/業主 中學時,我混幫派又吸毒,因此被學校退學。
In 1962 in Taiwan the need for English in business and commerce was huge.
Doris Brougham and others recognized this and began English-teaching radio
broadcasts. Brougham considered this method the fastest way for most people to learn.
Over the past 60 years, Studio Classroom has increased its media formats to include TV, several websites, podcasts, e-magazines, apps and more. But the company's ultimate goal of providing high-quality English language material that improves learners' opportunities has never changed. And sharing God's love with a hurting world remains extremely important. Here are a few stories from readers about how Studio Classroom has influenced and changed their lives.
Elvis: English Bible study attendee & business owner
In high school, I got involved with a gang and drugs, so I was kicked out of school. Eventually, I ended up in night school at a private high school known for its low-performing students.
I liked English, so a friend invited me to an English Bible study held by Studio Classroom. I met Doris there, and she prayed for me. She planted the seed of knowing Jesus in my heart, which transformed my life, so I could dream again. I became one of only two students from my school to pass the college entrance exam.
format (n.)型式;格式
The survey was a question and multiple-choice format.複選題
That book is also published in a format designed for younger children. 專為幼童設計出版
format (v.)安排;設計
Mrs. Heath formats her classes in such a way that there is time for instruction, practice and questions. 安排課程
ultimate (adj.)根本的;最終的
The ultimate goal of the meeting between the two countries was peace.
When they started, the scientists had no idea what the ultimate outcome of the experiment would be.
We can make proposals, but the ultimate decision will be made by the boss.
the elephant in the room
But if you address the elephant in the room, it means there's something there that nobody is talking about, but everybody knows it's there.
commerce 商業;商務;貿易;交易
Now commerce is the idea of buying and selling on a very large scale.
first mover 先驅者
a hurting world
find a need and fill it 找到需求並滿足他【創業】
If you want success, find a need and fill it.
kick out of (ph v.)趕出去
Taylor got kicked out of class yesterday because she interrupted the teacher more than more.
Standley kicked the ball out of his yard,and the kids ran after it.
to get a kick out of something 極大的樂趣或是快感
They all got a kick of the school play.
transform (v.)改變;改造
Suni Lee’s life was transformed when she won the gold medal for all-around gymnastics champion at the Olympics.
The trees that the city planted ten years ago have totally transformed the entire area.
The entire area has undergone quite a transformation in the last ten years becuase of all the trees the city planted.
attended something, that means we could call him an attendee
to plant a seed
to put a bug in someone’s ear
means to mention something to somebody so that they start to think about it. And maybe they can make a decision later on down the road, but at least you have them
beginning to think about the possibility.