Taking pictures of real things,with virtual additions
With a myriad of active users, mostly young people, Snapchat is one of the most popular social media sites. One of this platform's features that is most in demand is its AR lenses. AR stands for augmented reality, meaning that it shows people a combination of real life and digital images. For example, a lens might show an image of you with your real background but replace your face with a dog's face. Studies show that 71 percent of Snapchat users make use of AR every day.
Snapchat offers two kinds of AR lenses: face lenses and world lenses. Face lenses
modify images of faces, as in the previously mentioned example of the dog's face. World lenses change pictures of items around you. For example, they might add an item into a picture.
Snapchat offers over 2.5 million lenses, many designed by users. It has a feature that lets you try out lenses conceived by others and select some for personal use.
Some favorite lenses include one that makes users look like a 3D cartoon.
Another makes it appear that the subject of the photo is smiling (even if they weren't), and a third superimposes flames on the subject's glasses.
myriad (adj.)無數;極大數量
Myriad numbers of mosquitoes come out after it rains in the spring.
When Lane and Brad were in New York City, they saw a myriad of coffee sho9ps wherever they went.
Life is full of myriad possibilities, so never give up.
make use up (ph v.)運用;利用
Phoebe told Sara that she would make good use of the birthday gift she had given her. 善用
I always give items I no longer use to a store where other people can buy and make use of them. 好好利用
Dr. Brown is so popular that when he gives a speech, we make use of every chari in the auditorium. 用到禮堂裡的每一張椅子
augmented reality vs.virtual reality
So you're saying with augmented reality, it changes your surroundings. (Yeah.)
But virtual reality makes it feel like you're inside of something different.
augmented chord 增和弦
active user 活躍用戶
a combination of +(n.)+and+(n.)
buck the trend 逆勢;逆潮流
That company is bucking the trend in this economy.
modify (v.)稍作修改;調整
Ater George lost his leg in an accident, he had to modify his house so he could get around. 改造房子 移動自如
You can modify the soup recipe to suit your taste. 調整食譜
My mother was good at modifying old clothes so they looked stylish. 修改舊衣服 看起來時髦些
conceive (v.)想出;構想
Bethany used every argument she could conceive of to persuade her parents to allow her to go to Europe for a month.
conceive (v.)受孕;懷孕
Madison was finding it very difficult to conceive, soshe went to a specialist. 受孕專家
conceive (v.)理解
When people from the south visit the north in January, they can finally conceive what cold temperatures feel like.
aforementioned 前述
to superimpose
So you can take a photo or a video and like add some other things to it to... make it look like something else is part of the photo, that is, superimposing things onto it.
cheap thrills
I mean, it's cheap, basically free, for everybody who uses Snapchat, right?
use responsibly
bully other