Successful financial management is not just for professionals
2. Face the facts
Once you've undertaken a self-education journey, it's time to take stock of your financial situation.
Look at your bank statements to see how much you have coming in and going out. Then make a list of all your assets to determine your net worth. After that, begin tracking your spending each month to discover where exactly your money is going.
3. Get help
After you've started learning the basics and begun to understand your own situation, it might be time to lean on your network. You probably have financially intelligent people among your family, friends and coworkers. Ask for their advice.
If not, find a friend or two who also want to raise their financial IQ. Learn together and enjoy the mutual help and encouragement. You can also enroll in a financial management course or schedule a consultation with a finance professional.
4. Make changes
Identify your specific financial goals and create a budget that makes them possible.
Over time, if you persevere and stick to your budget, these changes to the way you handle money will become solid habits. You'll enjoy a brighter financial future that all started with improving your financial IQ.
Don't undertake too many responsibilities at one time or you will burn out.
When Ryan broke his hip, his neighbors undertook his care.
My neighbor undertook to teach my daughter how to play the piano.
Lori and Ron were assured by their agent that their investment plan was financially sound.
Aurora's parents helped her out financially when she bought a house. 經濟上的支助
Carter feels financially secure knowing that his father is going to make him head of the family business.接管家族事業
piggy bank存錢罐
to take stock of +(n.) vs. take inventory
you’re thinking carefully about a situation or an event to form an opinion about it so that you can decide what to do.
Before you move, you have to take stock of all your belongings or all the things that you have in your home. I also take stock of my groceries before I go to grocery store to buy more groceries. Just to see what I have before I know what I need.
net worth
to track one’s spending
to lean on
balance the books計算收支平衡
Well, balancing the books simply means to calculate the expenses and income to come up with a final number or balance in your account books.
Almost every company and organization needs to balance the books to show how they are spending their money.
Or how they could improve the way they use their money.
But it's not just big organizations that need to balance the books.
It is important that individuals like you and me balance the books as well.
We need to balance the books in order to improve the way we spend or earn our money.
That way, we won't run into too many financial problems.
At a consultation between Allison's teacher and her parents, the decision was made to put Allison into the gifted program at school.自由班
In consultation with the designers, Jane renovated her kitchen.
You need to consult with your doctor if you continue to run a fever.
Learning to play the piano is not easy, but If you persevere with your lessons you will be glad you did.
If you want Justice Insurance Company to pay you any money when you have a car accident, you have to persevere with your claim or you will get nothing.鍥而不捨的申請
School was not easy for Jim, but he persevered in his studies and ended up graduating with honors.榮譽獎
mutual friend
not just talking about feelings that you have in common with somebody.
I have a mutual relationship, that means I feel the same way towards my friend as they feel about me.
If you and I have a mutual friend, that means we are both friends with that person.
feelings mutual
solid habit(s)牢而不破的習慣
to stick to +(n.)
you are making sure that you do it and nothing changes.
you want to stick to your budget
you are going to stick to your budget, only spend what you said you’re going to spend.
Are you ready to undertake the responsibilities to marriage?
You’ll need to undertake the financial responsibilities: car payments, house payments, credit card payments, electric bills and on and on.
You should undertake the household responsibilities
Household chores: cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, looking after kids.
Which tip should you implement?