
I always get butterflies when I speak in front of large group.緊張

I think we are on a wild goose chase.徒勞無功

Do you have ants in your pants or what?坐立難安

A little bird told me.有人偷偷告訴我

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.不要太得意忘形

The two runners are neck-and-neck.不分上下

I got itch feet again and went off travelling for a year.想旅行的衝動跟想法

The plan has been given the thumbs up.

You will laugh your head off when you see Bill wearing a dinner jacket.笑掉大牙;捧腹大笑

Our dog is getting long in the tooth.年紀大

I talked to her till I was blue in the face.不耐煩;臉色發青

guess he just doesn't have much gray matter.智慧

You must really have a green thumb.精通園藝的人

You look like you are in the pink today.健康狀況良好

Gary was caught red-handed.現行犯

I've got a charley horse in my leg.腳抽筋

Her mother gave her a spanking on her fanny. 臀部, 屁股

He's a real Jack-of-all-trades. 博而不精的人

Every Joe Blow thinks he can solve the world's problems. 老百姓, 普通人

He's been in the john for the past hour.廁所

There's a Peeping Tom outside my window.偷窺狂

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