簡短鍛鍊四分鐘就能有所改變This short workout could change your life
1. 像坐下一樣進行深蹲,同時雙臂向前擺出。
2. 以九十度的角度,依序前後擺動你的雙臂。
3. 將雙臂由肚臍處往兩側向上移動至頭部上方,再回到原位。
4. 將雙臂從肩膀向上推舉過頭,再回到原位。
Are you struggling to find a workout that fits into your schedule? Look no further than the Nitric Oxide Dump. This series of exercises dumps, or releases, your body's nitric oxide into your muscles, causing them to relax. It also causes your blood vessels to widen,which helps lower your blood pressure.
The exercises can help control blood-sugar levels for those with diabetes. It's also said that people lose weight because of all the calories being burned.
And the routine can be done in just three to five minutes!
According to Dr. Zach Bush, who developed the routine, it's simple and effective. Every movement must be done quickly and properly, so check your form. Start with 10 repetitions of these four exercises and work up to 20 over time.
1. Squat like you're sitting down while swinging your arms out in front.
2. Swing your arms one by one forward and backward at a 90-degree
3. Swing your arms up from your bellybutton out to your sides and up
over your head and down to the starting position.
4. Push your arms up from your shoulders over your head and back.
Get up and get moving. Your body will thank you for it!
Lamaze 美國拉梅茲
HIIT (high-intensity interval training)
lifting weights
Liz led a workout that left her full of energy and everyone else exhausted. 活力充沛
Josie and her neighbor meet every morning for a short, effective workout.
The fitness program includes a 30-minute workout at least four days a week.
This series of exercises is designed to give you energy.
Blake decided to attend a series of lectures on financial planning. 財務規畫講座
Most people in my office are enjoying the new comedy series on Monday nights on channel 5.
Do you have +(#)+minute(s)?
to have time vs. to make time for
to pencil in… 會把你安排進去,特別是指還沒完全確定的事或確定的成員
If you pencil something in on your schedule, it means that it's not necessarily permanent.It means that you could change it, but it's tentatively on your schedule.
I’ll pencil you in for 9:00 on Monday morning.我會把你暫時安排在下週一早上九點。
look no further指的是別看更遠的東西,你想要的就在眼前。 就是這裡了
Because they know you're looking for something, you need to find the solution to
something, well, they might say, "Look no further than our product." That means this product or this thing has the answer you are looking for, look no further
dump something out
to lower vs. raise blood pressure
blood vessel(n.)血管
artery / vein 動脈 / 靜脈
short and sweet 簡單扼要【會議】
The CEO’s speech about building a business was short and sweet.
work up to(ph.v)逐步為困難的事做準備或發展
If you’ve never run before, you need to work up to running 10 kilometers. 從跑10公里開始練起
The movie started out slow but worked up to an exciting car chase. 演變成一場緊張刺激的汽車追逐
Kevin started at the bottom and has worked up to the position of office manager.
Harry squatted down beside his daughter to look at the book she was holding.
The Harris family has squatted on that land for 25 years.
The sales manager is a short, squatted man with blue eyes and blond hair. 藍眼金髮
posture, doing the right movements, that your form is correct
rep vs. set
nasal breathing 絕對鼻呼吸
“no jump” jumping jacks