The Lust for Life Self-Esteem Workshop「熱愛生命」自尊研討會
Learn the key steps to improving your self-esteem with our amazing program.
Week 1
Getting to Know You認識彼此
This first session is a chance for everyone to interact and discover if we share any goals and aspirations. We will also start preparing our unique life plans for the upcoming weeks.
Week 2
Moving On往前邁進
What prevents us from going forward in our lives?
What type of person do you see yourself becoming over the next few years?
Clearing Up豁然開朗
How do we free our minds from unnecessary clutter and junk?
What can we achieve when we are free from this mess?
The best thing about this course is that there is no charge for what you will learn here.*
Time: Saturday, September 14, 9:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m.
(15 minutes to stretch your legs at 10:30 a.m.)
Venue: Meadows Meeting House, Cobblers Lane, Lannington
* A $10 fee is required from each participant to cover the cost of the venue rental.
lust [lʌst](n.)性慾,淫慾[U];強烈的慾望;貪慾[C][U][(+for)]
self-esteem (n.) 自尊
belief and confidence in your own ability and value:
The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem.
She suffers from low self-esteem and it prevents her from pursuing her goals.
workshop (n.) 研討會
interact (v.) 交流;互相影響
aspiration [͵æspəˋreʃən] (n.)志向,抱負;渴望達到的目標
He has no aspiration for fame or gain. 他不圖名利。
She has aspirations to become a great writer. 她有做名作家的抱負。
upcoming (adj.) 即將發生的
unnecessary (adj.) 不必要的;多餘的
clutter (n.) 雜亂,淩亂;雜亂的東西
(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy
Her room was in a clutter. 她的房間亂七八糟。
Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.
My desk is covered in/full of clutter.
achieve (v.) (尤指經過努力)完成;達到;實現
venue (n.) 發生場所,舉行地點;會場
participant (n.) 參加者,參與者
physical strength力氣
computer programming編寫電腦程式
public speaking公開演說