Where Shall We Go to Celebrate?下班後和同事慶功

Where Shall We Go to Celebrate?

I can't believe this project has finally come to an end!

It's been hard work, but it was all worth it in the end.

We have achieved something significant for the company.

We should do something to celebrate our accomplishment.

Let's go out for a team dinner!

Great idea!

How about on Friday after work?

I know that Zoe is always busy on Friday nights.

Maybe we should have it on Thursday instead.

That works for me.

Do you have any suggestions?

Let me think...

A really good barbecue place just opened, how about there?

It sounds good to me, but remember

Samantha and Joseph are both vegetarians.

Will they have much to choose from?

Good point.好問題

I'd like to go to Hart's, but it's really expensive.

I've always wanted to eat there.

Maybe we could talk to the boss.

Since this project was such a huge success,

the company might treat us.

We certainly deserve it.

Let's ask him.

I guess that means we have to invite him as well.



vegetarian n.)素食者

come to an endph.)終結, 結束

achieve one’s goal





give a suggestion

as well= too

TGIF= thank God it's Friday= 謝謝上帝,今天是星期五




Should You Be Friends with Your Coworkers?葛瑞格的煩惱:要和同事當朋友嗎?

Should You Be Friends with Your Coworkers?

I get along with my coworkers, but they asked me to hang out with them this weekend.

I'm not sure if I want to become real friends with them.

What do you think?

In my opinion, you should become friends with your coworkers.

After all, you'll have to spend a lot of time with them at work.

I've always enjoyed going to work

because my coworkers and I all genuinely like one another.

I agree with Wendy.

You might be in high-pressure situations at work在高壓的環境下工作, and knowing that you can rely on your coworkers helps.

I prefer to keep my work life and personal life separate.

Things can get competitive at work, which could damage a friendship. 在工作上事情會變得有競爭性,有可能會毀了一段友情

It's better to keep your relationships with your coworkers polite but professional.

I think you can be friends with your coworkers, but don't try to force things. 但是不要強求

After all, you might have nothing in common.沒有共通點

If some of your coworkers have similar interests, there's no reason why you can't become close friends.


genuinely adv.)真誠地

competitive adj.)競爭的

get along with...和睦相處, ...方面進展

Work is more fun if you get along with your colleagues.如果你與同事和睦相處,工作會更有趣

I get along with my classmates.我和我的同學相處得很好。


hang out出去玩, 消磨時間, 到外面晃晃

She likes hanging out with friends and going to the movies. 她喜歡跟朋友出去閒晃和看電影。

We spent a few hours hanging out at the cafe. 我們花了幾小時待在咖啡廳消磨時間。

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