動物試驗正當與否Is Animal Testing Defensible?Consider two opposing views on a controversial topic
A lot of times when you see I-S-M at the end of a word, it implies there’s a belief system, maybe a philosophical, belief system behind that.
"Ethical animal experimentation" is a contradiction in terms. And even if it weren't, the unnecessary suffering caused by this poorly regulated industry would
still be unacceptable. Humans are members of the animal kingdom. Non-human animals also feel emotions such as joy, sadness and fear, just like humans do. Behaving as if people are more important than other animals is speciesism and no excuse for cruelty or exploitation. In the U.S. alone, chemical, drug, food and cosmetics experiments kill over 100 million animals every year!
To me a veggie burger seems to be a contradiction in term.
I have found a contradiction in what you wrote on your application and what you are telling me now.你的申請書內容和你說的相抵觸。
What his troops did was in direct contradiction to the general’s orders.違背將軍的命令
My wife always buys her cosmetics when the department store has a sale.在百貨公司打折時買化妝品。
My car just need some cosmetic work after someone hit me.車子被撞後外觀需要美容一下
Claire traveled to South Korea to have cosmetic surgery.
speciesism [ˋspiʃizɪzm] 物種歧視;人類對其他物種的虐待與剝削
This is the assumption that humans really are superior to animals.
And with the idea... this idea leads to the exploitation of animals.
That means maybe treating animals in a cruel way or something.
This idea of speciesism also carries with it the idea that humans therefore have more rights than animals do.
Now we use these words for emphasizing that something should not happen.
no excuse for (n.)
Reason could often have a good connotation.含蓄;言外之意;【邏】內涵
Sometimes we often use the word "excuse" to talk about it in kind of a negative way.
What's your excuse for doing that bad thing?
His mistake is no excuse for me being unkind. I should still be kind to someone even though they did something I really don't like.
treating someone unfairly.
animal exploitation.
exploitation (n.)[U]開發;開採;利用
a person of principle
man of principle/ woman of principle
Nelson Mandela was a person of principle
Let's talk about the term "person of principle."
A person of principle is someone who faithfully follows his or her beliefs or values rather than abandoning them when it's convenient.
In Mandela's example, he was imprisoned for 27 years because he refused to give up his goal of a South Africa where people of all colors were equal.
We can also say man of principle or woman of principle.
But the term "person of principle" covers both men and women, so it's used more often.
A principle is a moral rule or standard of behavior that guides your actions.
A principle I teach my kids is love your neighbor as yourself; treat others like you want to be treated.
This principle is something we have to keep working on as human nature is selfish by nature.
torture (n.)折磨;拷打
Those captured by enemy endured a lot of torture.被的軍俘虜的人都受到很多虐待
It was torture for Aurora to wait for Justin to ask her out on a date.
torture (v.)
It is illegal by international law for countries to torture people they captured during wartime.戰爭時期嚴刑拷打俘虜是違反國際法的
look back回顧
at dinner with someone childhood friends, we began to look back on all the fun we had had in elementary school.
Many couples look back on their first few years of marriage and wonder how they survived with very little money. 很多夫妻回顧婚後頭幾年的日子時,都覺得當初沒錢事怎麼熬過來的
Never look back從此一路順遂;一帆風順
When Patrick Williams was drafted by the Bulls, he never looked back!
to account for +(n.)
1.you look at the total of something
maybe you are forming the part of the total.
Students account for the majority of our viewers here at Studio Classroom.
2.explain the reason for something
Scientists could not account for the monkey’s sudden violent behavior.
They’re not sure why the monkey started acting violently so suddenly.
After they’ve taken a closer look at these benefits that animal testing is giving us, they realize: oh, well, there’s not much evidence that this has actually been beneficial at all.
Upon closer inspection, the jeweler noticed that the diamond in the ring was not real.
avenue= way/ method途徑,方法
They explored every avenue but could not find a solution. 他們尋求各種途徑,但仍找不到解決辦法。
Lab-grown tissue
A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 組織是一組具有相同的一般機能的類似細胞。
Computer modeling
barbaric (adj.)半開化的;半開化部落民的;野蠻的;粗野的;不知節制的
Barbaric customs still prevail in the mountainous area. 野蠻的習俗仍流行於這一山區。
listen respectfully, without interrupting
seek to understand the situation more thoroughly.
As you seek to understand, you can also learn new things, and you can put that into your own perspective.