
小心網路可疑騙子所設下的圈套!Don't get trapped by these fishy tricksters!
















"Wow... what a beautiful girl!" you think to yourself. Today, you logged into Facebook and saw a friend request from a lovely stranger. You think that she must

be a model because all of her photos look very professional. She doesn't have many

friends, but maybe she's just new to Facebook. You may be tempted to accept her request and say hello, but you'd better think twice because you might get catfished!

Catfishing is an online scam where someone on a social media platform pretends to be someone they're not.

The word was made popular by a 2010 documentary film with the same name.

Just like in the movie, most catfishing scams start with the catfish trying to sweet talk their victim into falling in love with them. Why? There are a variety of reasons people catfish.

Some catfish attempt to charm their victim into trusting them, and then ask them for money. Others will ask for sensitive information or explicit pictures which they can then use to blackmail their victims into sending them money.

But in some situations, catfish are just lonely people, dissatisfied with their lives and using social media to live in an alternate reality.


think twice (ph v.)深思熟慮

I’d think twice before I took that job as I hear that the boss is difficult to work for. 三思而後行

We need to think twice before buying our tickets to Spain because of the travel restrictions. 旅行上的限制 

Simone is quite wealthy and didn’t think twice about lending her soomate US$10,000 to help her buy a car. 毫不猶豫 

scam (n.)詐騙

Sophie’s scam to get the house down the street without really paying for it didn’t work. 

scam (v.)

Ben ended up being scammed out of a lot of money because he trusted someone that he’d only met a few times. 

Be careful of the new gift-card scam that is going on. 小心最新的詐騙伎倆


scammer/ trickster

con artist騙子,行騙者;詐騙犯

fishy 魚腥的

When you smell a very strong fish, you might think that's a little bit weird or something's off, something is wrong.

red flags

to be tempted

if you're tempted to do something, that means there's something inside of you that really want to for some reason.


fraud 詐騙高手;詐欺犯;法律上的詐欺行為


explicit (adj.)赤裸的;露骨的

Many parents don’t let their children watch that show because it has very explicit love scenes. 裸露的情愛鏡頭

explicit (adj.)清楚的;明確的

The teacher gave her students explicit directions on how to write their papers.

The explicit instructions on how to put the cabinet together were very helpful. 組合

made popular by +(n.)

to sweet talk charm +(person)+into (v.)

But let's talk about something here in this section, uh, the idea of sweet talking, that is, insincere praise that you give to somebody for the... purpose of persuading them to do something.  

roller coasters

adrenaline junkies 腎上腺素成癮

reverse drop 倒行下墜

Have you ever been conned? 

taximeter 跳表

to haggle 殺價

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