「禮輕意重」就是王道 You don't have to spend a lot to give a thoughtful gift



潘潘:我是有一個漂亮的手鐲;是朋友送的而且我也從沒 戴過。我可以把手鐲送給佩妮。






潘潘:好啦。我一直在想你祖母留給我們的那盞黃銅燈;我們一直都收藏著,可是我知道你哥哥嫂嫂會喜 歡。你覺得呢?








Mike: Isn't there anything we can do now?

Pam: I do have a lovely bracelet a friend sent me that I've never worn. I could give that to Penny.

Mike: Great! Anything else like that?

Pam: Well, Luke suggested we go in on binoculars for Diane and Bob. They would like some for birdwatching.

Mike: Now you're talking!

Pam: I've found a couple of bargains, but what I like isn't on sale. Next year we need to start shopping earlier.

Mike: Agreed!

Pam: OK. I've been wondering about that brass lamp we inherited from your grandmother. We are just storing it, and I know your brother and his wife would love it. What do you think?

Mike: It's not my style, so if you think they'd like it, fine.

Pam: It's settled then.

Mike: Do you agree to a budget for next year? Maybe $40 per gift?

Pam: Alright. And prices on a lot of things are always reduced after Christmas.So I can get some gifts then for next year.

Mike: What about that ceramics class you've been taking?Do you think you'll be able to make any gifts for next Christmas?

Pam: We'll have to wait and see. And the sweater for Bev? I think that's too much to spend on a friend, but it's up to you.


bracelet (n.)手鍊;手環

Iris got a beautiful gold bracelet from her boyfriend for Christmas.

Char always wears bangle bracelets to match her clothes. 戴手鐲來搭配衣服

For her birthday, Riley got a new charm for her charm bracelet. 為手上的手鍊增添新的小飾品

bargain (n.)便宜貨;廉價品

This store has good bargains, so it is always very crowded.

This dress was a real bargains at US$100. 很划算

bargain (v.)討價還價

The workers’ union and the management bargained for two weeks over a wage increase. 協商兩個星期


a lost cause

If something is a lost cause, that means it's a situation, but you can't do anything about it even though you really want to. If you're trying to convince someone of something, and another friend tells you, "Oh, don't talk to him about that. It's a lost cause," the meaning of that means that there's no way you're going to ...convince him to see things the way that you do


to go in on +(n.) (與他人一起)做,參加

When you go in on something for somebody else, it means you're putting your money towards the gift, and a lot of other people are putting their money in as well. If there's something you know somebody would appreciate, but it's kind of expensive, and you don't have enough money to buy that thing yourself, you know other people also care about this person, well, maybe you can all go in on it together.



 gift of the gab  很會說話的才能

He’s got the gift of the gab. 他真的很有口才

Sara works in sales, because she has the  gift of the gab.


bugdet (n.)預算

When big Hollywood movies are made, they generally go over budget.

Retired people usually live on a fixed budget, so they have to be careful how much they spend.

bugdet (v.)

We decided to budget for a European vacation that we want to go on next summer.


reduce (v.)減少

Every item in the men’s department at that department store is going to be reduced by 25 percent next week. 每件商品都會打七五折

If I buy a car, I can reduce my travel time to work by 45 minutes.

To stay healthy, you need to reduce the amount of salt you eat.


It’s settled then.

It’s up to you.

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