荷蘭歷史上最偉大的藝術家His paintings dominated the Dutch Golden Age















“Joan of Arc” - Jules Bastien-Lepage

聖女貞德(Joan of Arc)是朱爾絲·巴斯蒂安·勒佩奇(Jules Bastien-Lepage)在1879年創作的一幅畫,屬於大都會藝術博物館,並在巴黎的世界博覽會上展出。


“Young Girl Reading” -Jeans Honore



If you have ever visited any art museum of note, you have probably seen a painting by Rembrandt van Rijn. Born in 1606, Rembrandt entered a family whose father was a miller and whose mother's family were bakers. As a child, he attended school to prepare for university. Biblical studies and languages and literature of ancient Greece and Rome were taught. His special interest in art led him to train as an artist with two different master painters from about 1621 to 1625. He then established himself as a master painter.



It was actually Rembrandt's etchings that earned him an international reputation during his lifetime. In the 17th century, the printed word and etchings were the major means of mass communication. Rembrandt used etchings to portray Biblical themes, landscapes and portraits. They captured the truth of the human experience through the showing of emotion.

 The beautiful and complex Christ Healing the Sick is considered one of his most important and valuable etchings. Dark contrasts with a beam of light as the viewer gazes across the page from left to right. 


dominate (v.)統治;支配

Google dominates the world because more people use its search engines than any others.

Management in most companies is dominated by males.管理階層大多是男性掌控

It is easy for all of Margaret’s friends to see that her husband, Fred, dominates her.


of note (ph adj.)重要的;有名的

Our university invited a speaker of note to be this year’s graduation speaker.

Everyone of note in the art world will be at the gallery’s opening.畫廊的開幕式

There are many museums of note in Paris, so it is hard to pick which ones to visit.

noteworthy vs. notable



That means they work with a mill, perhaps grinding things like corn into different types of flour.


to train as +(n.)

That means you have a very specific goal in mind.

I know people when I... was growing up who were training to be runners. That means they spent a lot of time and energy learning how to run properly


to establish oneself as +(n.)

blank canvas  形容人沒有經驗、一張白紙(空白畫布);沒有計畫或想法

Terry is still a blank canvas at work.


We are working with a blank canvas now.


reputation (n.)名聲;聲望

Serena chose to attend Boston University because it has a good reputation.

Ben’s bad behavior has really damaged his family’s reputation in our town.

to live up to one’s reputation  名符其實;不負盛名 

Mr.s Strong lives up to his reputation as a fun and entertaining teacher.

viewer  (n.)觀看者;觀眾

What do you think most viewers of this picture notice first? 會先注意到甚麼

As a viewer of the Madnalorian series, which episode did you like the best? 最喜歡哪一集

How many viewers do you think the World Cup will attract this year?


etching / drypoint engraving蝕刻版畫


involve metal and acid

Friends, especially friends out there who are artists yourselves, you probably know a lot more of these technical details and words, um, you know, that have to do with art than I do at this point


to earn a reputation


to capture

If you capture something, it means that you really show it, and you can portray it in a very clear way.


Thanksgiving Foods 

roasted turkey

roast 烤

Turkeys are usually served with gray, stuffing and cranberry sauce. you capture something, it means that you really show it, and you can portray it in a 

Mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes and corn on the cob are common


stuffing 填料

corn on the cob  玉米棒

mentor-apprentice relationship 師徒制

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