目前分類:學習進修 (552)

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Discussing a Performance Review令人失望的績效考核結果

Discussing a Performance Review

咕咕愛囉嗦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Is It the End of the Road for Plastic Take-Out Containers?得來「速」還是得來「塑」?如何解決外送服務的環保問題?

Is It the End of the Road for Plastic Take-Out Containers?

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Read Like a Master with Context Clues「猜」出生字的秘訣

Read Like a Master with Context Clues

咕咕愛囉嗦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Filling a Vacancy in the Sales Department招募員工

Filling a Vacancy in the Sales Department缺人手?沒關係!找人資幫你搞定

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Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping購物管道大比拼!

Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping

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Emoji: A Language of Pictures與時俱進的emoji

 Emoji: A Language of Pictures

咕咕愛囉嗦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A Room Full of Idioms看看我的房間有什麼!


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由於擔心 TwitterFacebook 等社群平台的審查制度,以及《ParlerApp 遭到應用程式商店下架,不少美國保守派人士湧向另一平台 MeWe;與此同時,WhatsApp 日前更新服務條款與隱私政策,強制將用戶資訊與母公司 Facebook 共享,近日如香港民眾再度掀起一波線上移民至 MeWe,使得《MeWeApp 雙雙進入 App StoreGoogle Play 熱門排行榜。

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飛蚊外傳Myths about Mosquitoes

知己知彼 戰勝惱人蚊蟲

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Let's Talk about Depression破解憂鬱症迷思 別再說「加油」好嗎?

Let's Talk about Depression

咕咕愛囉嗦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Read Like a Master with Context Clues「猜」出生字的秘訣

Read Like a Master with Context Clues

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Time for a Facebook or Twitter break

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Mr. George Gill

Xtra Company

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The Lust for Life Self-Esteem Workshop「熱愛生命」自尊研討會

Learn the key steps to improving your self-esteem with our amazing program.

咕咕愛囉嗦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Budget airline operators SimpleJet and FlyingAir have been slapped with hefty fines by the European Fair Trade Commission (EFTC) for unscrupulous practices related to the selling of travel insurance on their Web sites.

Spanish company SimpleJet was fined 350,000 by the EFTC, while FlyingAir was hit with a stiffer 1 million penalty. The commission said this was because, unlike SimpleJet, the Scottish firm had refused to implement changes to its online booking process, despite repeated warnings. FlyingAir CEO Mickey O'Dreary, who is well known for his controversial policies, has said that he "couldn't give two hoots about the decision" and that it wouldn't affect business. "People know a good deal when they see it," O'Dreary insisted.

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Top Wireless Speakers

The market has recently been flooded with wireless, streaming speakers. The main systems are RedTooth and WavePlay. Here, our resident techie, Karolina Klupp, takes a look at the pick of the bunch.

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