目前分類:學習進修 (552)

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Fun Christmas Facts: Our Gift to You佳節愉快!關於「聖誕節」你不知道的幾件事


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sedan 轎車


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Fun Facts十萬個冷知識


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Keeping Yourself and Your Computer Safe資安大作戰!網路安全使用守則


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Lucky Traditions for the New Year新年好運到 各國跨年特色習俗

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名牌服飾淺談is designer clothing worth the price


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Where Shall We Go to Celebrate?下班後和同事慶功

Where Shall We Go to Celebrate?

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Aesop's Fables《伊索寓言》

Aesop's Fables

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Quitting Your Job: How to Tell Your Boss找老闆談談

Hi, Mr. Garrison.

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The Old Man and the Sea《老人與海》

The Old Man and the Sea

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e.g. 拉丁文 exempli gratia= for instance / for example

abbreviation for exempli gratia: a Latin phrase that means "for example". It can be pronounced as "e.g." or "for example".

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公眾科學:以群眾之力探索世界Citizen scienceDiscovering our world together


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Packing Tips for Great Trips超完美行李打包術

Packing Tips for Great Trips

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The Story Behind American Chinese Restaurants

If you've ever been to a Chinese restaurant in the US, you might have noticed something odd.

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Internet Comment Dos and Don'ts網路留言停看聽 社群媒體使用守則

Internet Comment Dos and Don'ts

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Tea Travels: A World of Milk Tea奶茶控看過來 世界特色奶茶巡禮

Tea Travels: A World of Milk Tea

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