人無目標,如無舵——湯瑪斯.卡萊爾The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder..." ~ Thomas Carlyle
■ 關於「存在」的問題:我為什麼活著?
■ 關於「意義」的問題:我的人生有意義嗎?
■ 關於「目的」的問題:我究竟為何目的而活?
A No. 1 best-selling book-The Purpose Driven Life - famously asked the question, “What on earth am I here for?" Rick Warren, the book's author, scrutinized the following areas:
●The Question of Existence: Why am I alive?
●The Question of Significance: Does my life matter?
●The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for?
Warren's book has sold over 50 million copies. This clearly shows that many people around the world are interested in finding answers to these questions.
In fact, throughout history people have spent copious amounts of time searching
for significance and for life's meaning and purpose. Research studies confirm that it is a worthwhile endeavor.
A 2010 study revealed that having a sense of purpose is one of the factors that contributes to good health and longevity. Additional research indicates that those with a sense of purpose tend to experience a lower rate of strokes, heart attacks and cognitive diseases. A 2016 study revealed that those with a sense of purpose earn
more money than those who believe their work "lacks meaning." In essence, if the research is correct, having a strong sense of purpose is a necessary tool for a fulfilled life.
on earth (ph adv.)到底;究竟【吃驚、不解的語氣】
How on earth did Markk pass that class? He never studied.
How on earth are we expected to get all of this work done on time?怎麼可能按時完成所有工作
What on earth did Milo mean when he said he wouldn’t be here this time next year?
scrutinize (v.)細看;仔細審查
During basketball practice, the coach scrutinizes everyone’s move so he can give constructive feedback. 提供建設性的反饋
When the police found the place where the woman had been kidnapped, they scrutinized the entire area looking for clues. 仔細檢查現場,找尋線索
scrutiny (n.)
The company’s books are subject to close scrutiny by its accountant every spring.
rudder 舵
航行設備外殼上,改變或保持航向的裝置。,最早用於船舶。 各類槳帆船船槳也具有相類似的功能。古代的船隻往往靠人力或風力來推動,有些把船槳用雙耳圓環固定在船舷的兩側,有些則安裝在船尾,有些為兩者皆可通用。在地中海地區的文獻中,兩側的船槳往往被稱為「四分之一船槳」,其得名於此類船槳安裝的位置在船身後方的四分之一處。
driven 執著的,鍥而不捨的;奮發努力的
If we simply say that someone is driven, that means they have a lot of drive in their life.
significance (n.)重要性,重要意義
significant other 至關重要的另一位(指配偶或伴侶)
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 幾所不欲勿施於人;愛人如己【出自耶穌】
endeavor (n.)努力;嘗試
Alice’s endeavor to learn Korean paid off when she visited the country and had no trouble talking to people.
In spite of their endeavors, Sharon’s parents could not persuade her to go to college.
endeavor (v.)
All of the clerks in this store endeavor to help their customers to the best of theri ability. 盡其所能地努力協助顧客
cognitive (adj.)認知的;感知的
Many older people are trying to enhance their cognitive ability by taking different medications. 強化認知能力
Harry developed both cognitive and emotional issues when his brain was damaged in the car accident.
Professor Blake has been studying the cognitive development of children who have been traumatized by war.
copious 豐富的,大量的;多產的;冗長的;滔滔不絕的
This just means in large amounts or more than enough.
copious note
to tend to +(v.)關注;照料
So when we're using the phrase "tend to" here, it means they are inclined to do something or usually will do something.
Does more money mean more purpose in life?