
21/90法則THE 21/90 RULE

如何建立良好行為模式Building good behavior patterns










After you follow your plan for 21 consecutive days, continue the new habit for another 90 days. At the end of that time period, you should no longer struggle to do it. Of course, there's no guaranteed success with the 21/90 rule.

Researchers from University College London made an important discovery. They found that the time it takes for habits to become second nature varies greatly. Some of the study's participants required only 18 days while others needed up to 254 days. Many people believe it takes a minimum of two months to make lasting changes in their lives. 

Motivation is a helpful factor for anyone wanting to make a permanent change. An article in Psychology Today discussed the link between motivation and lasting change. It concluded that your motivation "will ultimately determine whether you're able to break... habits and patterns."

There's no time like the present to start making some positive changes in your life. With help from the 21/90 rule, why not make this the year you keep your resolutions?


Have you ever formed a new habit?

guarantee (v.)保證;確保

Waxing your furniture helps guarantee that it won’t get dry and crack. 在家具上面塗蠟,可以確保家具不會乾燥和龜裂。

guaranteed (adj.)擔保的

There are no guaranteed positions in this company. 具上面塗蠟,可以確保家具不guarantee (n.)保證;商品保固

A two-year guarantee is offered on all of the electronic goods in this store. 所有商品都提供2年保固

21 consecutive days =21 days or three weeks in a row

easy-peasy 簡單得很;容易極了

it’s the opposite of difficult


it doesn't always work 100 percent of the time. Some people might still fail even though they're following this rule.

A zebra can’t change its stripes. 江山易改、本性難移

A leopard can’t change its spots. 花豹無法改變身上的斑點

Don’t expect Sally to change, because a zebra can’t change its stripes.

vary (v.)使不同;使呈現差異

People’s salaries vary according to responsibilities and job titles.

The medical advice Josh received varied from doctor to doctor, so he was left very confused.

When shopping for an expensive item, check several stores as prices usually vary a great deal. 昂貴商品 貨比三家

minimum (n.)最低限度;最少量

Penny said she needs a minimum of three weeks to train the new people on her team.

The minimum amount of water you should drink each day is about seven glasses.

The minimum age for serving in the military varies from country to country.服役的最低年齡限制

to make a discovery 

the discovery that they made was they found that the time it takes for habits to become second nature varies greatly.

second nature  第二天性, 習慣成自然之意思

to know something like the back of your hand

So the idea with this phrase ... is that your hand is a part of your body, and actually, you look at the back of your hand a lot 'cause (because) your hand faces this way

it means that you know it so well, it's like a part of you.

vary vs. very


psychology (n.)心理學;心理特徵

Jenn has studied the psychology behind video gaming, and her findings are alarming. 電玩背後的心理特徵 令人擔憂

The study of psychology helps understand different personalities and behaviors. 幫助人們了解不同的性格和行為

After majoring in psychology at university, David went on to get a master’s in counseling. 


That means it's a change or something that is going to last for a really long time, hopefully forever

motivation vs. motive




try the replacement technique

So the replacement technique is if you're going to take something out of your life, or if you're going to stop doing something, you have to put something back in or replace it with something else

make smaller goals, not necessarily big ones

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