目前分類:學習進修 (552)

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薩爾斯堡Salzburg, Austria

整個城市的空氣都飄蕩著美妙樂音There’s music in the air in Salzburg

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未來概念:太空版農場Growing Food in Space Pods

 3D列印溫室種植食物,可望供應太空人糧食Growing food in 3D-printed greenhouse to feed astronauts

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薩爾斯堡Salzburg, Austia

整個城市的空氣都飄蕩著美妙樂音There’s music in the air in Salzburg

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每個人都喜歡分享圖像和影片Images and videos that everyone loves to share

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每個人都喜歡分享圖像和影片Images and videos that everyone loves to share

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《星際大戰》經典再現 It’s Star Wars all over again- in real life

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《星際大戰》經典再現 It’s Star Wars all over again- in real life

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胡桃鉗The Nutcracker

老少咸宜的聖誕傳統芭蕾舞劇One of the world’s most popular ballets

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胡桃鉗The Nutcracker

老少咸宜的聖誕傳統芭蕾舞劇One of the world’s most popular ballets

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認識「洗錢」學會防制Clean of Dirty Money?

破解洗錢三階段,防制不法髒錢合法化 Criminals use money laundering to try to hide their illegal money

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認識「洗錢」學會防制Clean of Dirty Money?

破解洗錢三階段,防制不法髒錢合法化 Criminals use money laundering to try to hide their illegal money

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手語Sign Language

打破溝通藩籬的重要方式 An important way to break down communication barriers

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手語Sign Language

打破溝通藩籬的重要方式 An important way to break down communication barriers

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替舊物找新家Finding Old Treasures New Homes

二手交易網讓你幫助自己也拯救地球Clean out your closets and help the planet with secondhand websites

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替舊物找新家Finding Old Treasures New Homes

二手交易網讓你幫助自己也拯救地球Clean out your closets and help the planet with secondhand websites

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 火雞節&感恩節Turkey Day

讓這一天滿懷感恩,與身邊親友珍惜相聚A day to be thankful and to eat with family and friends

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火雞節&感恩節Turkey Day

讓這一天滿懷感恩,與身邊親友珍惜相聚A day to be thankful and to eat with family and friends

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見識「動態捕捉」的魔力The Magic of Performance Capture

你一定不會相信自己的眼睛You won’t believe your eyes

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見識「動態捕捉」的魔力The Magic of Performance Capture

你一定不會相信自己的眼睛You won’t believe your eyes

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鋼彈模型Gundam Models

你一定要知道的機動戰士Fun facts about these interesting robots

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