目前分類:學習進修 (552)

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請給我一杯咖啡Coffee, please

你想來杯什麼樣的咖啡?How would you like that?

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TFT劉安婷 Anting Liu

為臺灣而教:一個決定可以改變一切One decision can change everything

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TFT劉安婷 Anting Liu

為臺灣而教:一個決定可以改變一切One decision can change everything

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香奈兒五號Chanel NO.5


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香奈兒五號 CHAENL NO.5

The Famous Perfume Celebrates 100 Years

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天然甜滋味一-健康零負擔 Natural Sweeteners for Good Health

用更健康的方式滿足想吃甜食的慾望Healthier ways to sweeten your food

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天然甜滋味一-健康零負擔 Natural Sweeteners for Good Health

用更健康的方式滿足想吃甜食的慾望Healthier ways to sweeten your food

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孟菲斯&吉薩金字塔群Memphis and Pyramids of Giza

古代世界七大奇蹟,迄今依然屹立於世 Thousands of years old and still well worth the visit

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孟菲斯&吉薩金字塔群Memphis and Pyramids of Giza

古代世界七大奇蹟,迄今依然屹立於世 Thousands of years old and still well worth the visit

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土地醫生一找回大地生機    The Soil Doctors

這種醫生以專業行動呵護土壤一生This type of physician helps keep the planet healthy

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土地醫生一找回大地生機    The Soil Doctors

這種醫生以專業行動呵護土壤一生This type of physician helps keep the planet healthy

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婚宴形式Wedding Reception Choices

一生最重要的喜宴,到底正式好還是非正式佳? Is a formal or informal reception better?

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婚宴形式Wedding Reception Choices

一生最重要的喜宴,到底正式好還是非正式佳? Is a formal or informal reception better?

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心要柔軟人要善良It’s never OK to be cruel to others.

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心要柔軟人要善良It’s never OK to be cruel to others.

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小小奈米,讓世界大大不同Working on a small scale to make a big difference

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小小奈米,讓世界大大不同Working on a small scale to make a big differnce

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絕美五鄉地Exploring Cinque Terre

峭壁上的絢麗色彩盡在義大利五村鎮Experience the beauty of Italy in five small villages

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絕美五鄉地Exploring Cinque Terre

峭壁上的絢麗色彩盡在義大利五村鎮Experience the beauty of Italy in five small villages.

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